2007-04-25 Jenna Rose: I've read "Basement" and "Ground Floor"... Looking forward to more. When I saw "Happy House" I wasn't really expecting the perspective you give in them. :3 But I like them. Good work, so far. 2007-04-26 Calann: Thank you![Calann]: 135.Happy House
Rating: 0.40
These will be quite depressive, so if that is not your cup of tea, I recommend going elsewhere now.
Constructive criticism will be loved. The style I'm writing these in is a bit experimentativ
I'm very fond of irony, especially with titling pieces. The house is far removed from what most people would consider "happy" - and so, "Happy House" it is.
I'll be poking the porch scene, but also hopefully posting some more tonight. :3