[sepiroth]: 193.Over the Wall- The escape

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friends & freedom
The Wall
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Over the Wall- The escape
Salaardrion was sleeping soundly when suddenly the bell rang. "Let's work, ignorant fools!" the guard shouted. Salaardrion lifted up his head and his eyes got
got used to the light of all the candles. He got out of bed, he ate another loaf of bread and washed his face. Then the guard was already there. "So, you don't have to work eeh, well that's about to change slave!" he yelled. He saw the whip when it was too late. Bang!! The whip smashed into his face and Salaardrion fell on his knees, swearing and cursing the pain and the guard. But he had no choice, he got up on his feet and passed the guard without making any provocative moves. He went to the Wall. He was used to the Wall now, but it wasn't a normal wall of course. The wall was a mix of steel and rock. And it was Salaardrion's duty to bring down that wall. But it was hard work and the pain was enormous. All day long he slung his hammer against the Wall hoping that someday there would be a breach in the Wall. It was important for his country that he gave each day the best of himself. That time was long gone. The Wall was no longer a main priority. The king had decided that if they could not breach the Wall then you have to get round the Wall or in this case over the Wall. The magicians had figured out a way to climb over the Wall. The first wanted to make some sort of ladder, no good, they tried an ice spell on the Wall, to let it freeze and then some trained climbers could get over it. But the wall was magically protected. No spell would do except for one. Normally you can't come near the Wall except for under the ground. Magic does not work under the ground. But high sorcerer Malak and a few other mages could cast a spell on the Wall so that the magical field surrounding it would be deactivated. Then they could hung a ladder on the wall and then they could get over the wall. But the spell is enormously power-consuming and it takes all the mages to cast the spell for it to work. So from now on people go over the wall once a week. When they are over the wall it is impossible to go back. But these sacrifices are necessary for the country. Recourses are running low the last years. The harvest is too unpredictable, the last 3 years it failed and then there was famine all over the country
The country of Karce was an isolated country forgotten by the other great empires. They would not listen to any messenger that came from Karce. It was no use, the people of Karce left for a better place but that was always a long and dangerous journey. Only a few 3000 people live in Karce these days. Most of villagers the stay at Castle Breno. The rest lives on the outskirts of the castle. The people that went over the Wall are necessary because they provide Karce with supplies. That can be medicine or food or mana crystals for the mages to recharge their powers. The people over the Wall as Salaardrion called them had built some sort of catapult with which they could shoot the supplies over the Wall. And so the people had forgotten the underground works, but the king hadn't. he ordered prisoners to work on the Wall constantly. Salaardrion was working on it for 4 years now. He was beginning to become desperate. "A hole!" somebody shouted. Salaardrion raced towards the sound. Oh my dear heaven it is true, he saw the light. "There is a hole in the Wall" everybody yelled. There was chaos all over the place and Salaardrion saw his chance. The guards were celebrating and they did not pay attention to the prisoners. Salaardrion saw his friend Gamon think the same. He grabbed his hammer and smashed it onto his friend's chain. It broke, the guards had not heard or seen it now it was Salaardrion's turn. Gamon unleashed his power and the chain also broke. Other prisoners noticed the two friends and they wanted to revolt too. But the guard where on to them, Gamon let go of his hammer and it smashed into the face of the guard. There was panic now, and that was all they need. The quickly pushed some prisoners in the direction of the guards and ran towards the hole. It was small maybe too small but he tried it anyway, first it was no use but the somebody smashed a hammer against the wall and the hole got bigger. Just one more swing Salaardrion thought. And there it was, boeeem!
He made it, he was through the hole and now he was in a dark room but at the end there was light from outside. It was fabulous. But then his mind worked again. "Run you foul" Gamon shouted. He made it too and together they ran towards their freedom. Or towards their doom, Salaardrion thought. They had
never been in the land behind the wall nor did they ever saw a picture from it. They were totally blind in this new world. But he was free that was the only thing he could think of. The light got brighter and brighter and they finally reached the entrance of the cave. The guards did not go after them. Maybe they were
death or maybe they know something, that Salaardrion and Gamon didn't knew. The light was too bright now, they were outside, it was cold. But finally he
could inhale the fresh air. "We have to find shelter Sal!" said Gamon. "We have to disappear for a while." He was right Salaardrion thought. "All right, you lead the way mate!" he replied. And so the two friends wandered through a world they did not even know it existed

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