[Graphis]: 194.Luminos Arbitaro

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2006-04-05 01:04:40
Fantasy, In development
Luminos Arbitaro
Free for reading
Kinbil grinned, turning his small frame around to look at the tavern he was just leaving as he heard his name being called by the local stable boy. “You forgot to pay mister!” The boy exclaimed as Kinbil glanced behind him, seeing several grown men walking behind the young lad. “Indeed I did, young boy.” Kinbil smiled as he let the words slip out of his mouth, and began to look around for an escape route, knowing well he didn’t have enough to pay his extensive tab at the local tavern.
He realized he had a few chances to get away as he quickly scanned the area for his counterpart. There was several taller buildings nearby, separated by narrow alleys, full of filth. Kinbil quickly dismissed the idea of heading down one of those alleys, figuring it would be a much better idea to break out of the local dungeon, then have to trudge through humanoid corpses and matter that have been conveniently disguised as some form of trash.
After a quick assessment of the situation, Kinbil determined he could get away easily, even though his companion seemed it was best to not show up at the current moment. Biting his lip in frustration, Kinbil quickly sprinted off, heading off in the opposite direction of the tavern, easily outpacing the bouncers that seemed too move much quicker then their muscular bodies should allow.
Running quickly to the nearest building, Kinbil started to scale the side of the wall, using windows, and off formations on the less then acceptable building for footholds. Kinbil shook his head, wondering why people would accept such living conditions, but realizing the pointlessness of figuring that out at the current moment.
Glancing quickly behind mine, Kinbil took a second to breathe deep, before starting again, going faster as he noticed how close the bouncer were, and how quickly they were moving against him. As kinbil reached the top of the building he began to sprint across the roof of it, making great time as he jumped from one building to the other, checking his surroundings easily enough as he kept the pursuit up, playing with the guards more then running from them.
Kinbil leapt over another gap between buildings, then noticing something a bit north of him and grinning even more as he realized what he was staring at. Kinbil looked behind him, seeing the bouncers getting increasingly close to him as they pulled their long swords from their hip, glaring in Kinbil’s direction, picking up their pace.
Kinbil veered off his intended course and moved more northward now, the hammock he had originally seen on a nearby building coming into much better view. Kinbil pulled a dagger from his boot, slowing him down a bit as he almost tripped over himself. Kinbil proceeded to run, shifting his momentum to his side so he didn’t fall forward as he raised the dagger in his hand, and with barely an aim, he let it fly, cutting the rope on the hanging hammock, watching the figure inside it flop around angrily as it hit the hard roof of the building.
Kinbil approached the figure quickly helping him up and looking at him blankly and pointed towards the oncoming guards. The figured, dressed over extravagantly, with an elven blade at each hip, their hilts, designed for show from the looks; a wide varity of colors, and gems adorned into the handle, but Kinbil knew the truth of these weapons, the blades were far from useless.
The bodyguards from the taverns, now just a few paces from the duo, started to slow as they got to them, knowing well the reputation for crafty fighting, and increasingly good skill with blades, the two had. Kinbil drew his pair of weapons, a wonderfully crafted kryss, paired with an extravagant saber, though plain from sight, easily the best crafted saber of its kind in the area. Kinbil glanced behind him as his weapons appeared in his hands, then tilted his head and stated “Serif, they are coming-“Serif looked at Kinbil with an enthusiastic and completely entertained look and smiled. “They are indeed coming, my dear friend, Kinbil Morget.” Serif drew his weapons at an incredible speed, and jumped next to Kinbil, a place he often found himself while holding his weapons.
With speed unnatural to his size, the first of bodyguards, Blorc, rushed into Serif, sending a basic side swipe at him. Amazed at his opponents inability to comprehend who he was fighting against, Serif simply dodged to the opposite side of his attacker, driving that hands blade into the roofing between the large mans legs, then continuing his momentum, wrapping his thin and agile leg around his opponents and driving his elbow hard against his skull, knocking him to the ground unconscious, and pulling his blade out, perfectly, without so much as a cut on the large man.
Continuing his spin, Serif hopped the short distance between Blorc and the other bouncer. As Serif started through his ever familiar routine of disorientation towards his opponents, He noticed a small dagger fly by his head, narrowly missing him, and scraping by the large man on his arm, leaving barely a scratch. Serif realized the point of that, and knowing Kinbil wouldn’t miss, he burst into action, feigning the same maneuver he used before, but then, in a rapid motion, switched sides, copying his previous move precisely on the opposite side. After pounding his elbow into the back of the large mans head, Serif turned around to collect a swift survey of the scene.

After he was certain that they were both unconscious, Serif started to speak “Why would you bring them to me?” Serif turned, facing Kinbil now “You are easily capable of handling that situation yourself” He paused for a moment “They aren’t that big.” Kinbil belched, blowing the air from his stomach out towards Serif, covering him with the smell of expensive liquor. Serif understood even more so when Kinbil fell over, and pulled out another bottle of the fine wine he had been drinking non-stop for quite some time.
Grinning and shaking his head, Serif moved towards the bottle, but Kinbil being protective as always, tried to move the bottle out of Serif’s reach. “Mine!” Kinbil ignorantly exclaimed, drawing his weapons as he stood up easily, seemingly much more coordinated the before.
Serif simply laughed, pulling his twin blades out quickly, thoroughly entertained by his companion’s drunken ignorance. “You’ll share the wine, my friend, even if you don’t think it to be a wise choice.” Serif said politely, moving towards Kinbil slowly, measuring up his opponents familiar defenses.
“Actually Serif,” Kinbil said with ease, not slurring his words in the least bit “You can have some wine; I have a whole different bottle awaiting my return at the tavern.” Kinbil looked down to the bouncers on the ground, “Though, I might need your help returning to the tavern.” Serif glanced around easily, sensing the fun the night would bring, and moved towards his hammock, bending over to cut the pant leg off one of the unconscious men. “You’re actually going back to that tavern for a simple bottle of wine?” Serif said as he got to his hammock, taking a sewing kit out of his pack while he spoke, and started repairing the damage Kinbil had caused.
“Well, its good wine,” Kinbil shrugged, sounding as if he meant to convince himself of the fact, “Well, there is also quite a bit of gold in that tavern, Serif.” At the mention of his name, Serif turned around, having already finished repairing his hammock; he tilted his head, “Is the gold worth it?” He asked bluntly “To what end?” Kinbil merely shrugged “Entertainment.” Serif glanced around again, seeming happy enough with the short, but to the point answer.

* * * * *

Venn spun is hands, keeping his giant biceps moving as he finished throwing the last of the verses out of his mouth, his booming voice reaching farther then his vocal cords would normally would allow. “Luminos Arbitaro” Venn boomed as the last of his spell was complete. “No more, shall the wicked or evil enter our small sanctuary of land. For this spell, Luminos Arbitaro, will protect us more then our soldiers ever could” Venn said, bringing his short speech to a close as the few score of men gathered at his casting cheered.
“Venn Mc’bendir” Venn heard from his side, as he turned, a smile came upon his face “How good it is to see ye, old friend” Branak said, setting his axe and shield down as he moved towards the older barbarian shaman. Venn widened his smile at the dwarf approaching him. “How are you, this fine day?” Venn said leaning down to give his short friend a mighty hug. “And when did you dwarves decide to come out of your holes?!” Branak, suddenly got a serious look on his face and simply stated “A spell of this size is worthy of our blessing and note. Though, we don’t understand it fully.” Venn tilted his head, seeing the serious look and motioned to his tent.
As they entered the lusciously decorated tent, Branak noticed something wasn’t right, and took a quick look around, and noticed, there was a bed, set between two end tables, and a large, greatly decorated chest lay directly across from the bed. Branak crossed the room, filled with great rugs and lavishly encrusted carpets to the nearest chair, and sitting down easily. “Buncha stuff in here, for a clan that’s always on the move eh?” Branak grunted as he looked around again then to Venn, who was just entering the tent. “Well, we aren’t going to be traveling any longer.” Venn said easily, then looking to his old friend, reading the confusion without much trouble, and clarified. “There are, certain,” He paused “Aspects of the spell that require a certain amount of energy.” Branak looked at his companion for a moment, then realized what he was hinting at, and gave a slight nod, understanding the amount of security the shaman had just granted the region known as “The Great North” and, he knew that the shaman would sacrifice anything necessary to insure the security of his people.
“So, how does the spell work?” Branak blurted after a few moments silence. Venn, thoroughly expecting the question, answered quickly “Fairly simple, the spirits of our ancestors couldn’t sit by and see our people be destroyed by the masses of evil in the area, the masses that continue to grow.” Venn sighed “So, the barrier that will keep evil out of this region, draw its power from me. And, it will falter every other tenday, so I might regain my power.” Branak nodded again, seeing the hurt in the barbarian’s eyes as he spoke, then stated “At least the lands will be safe.”
* * * *

  Kinbil smiled as the sun set. Serif, though surly about to enjoy himself, wasn't to thrilled at the prospect of engaging themself with the two city guards now posted at the entrance to the two-story wooden building known as the Three-Legged Dog. Though the building was poorly named, and looked as if it was smaller then most of the poverty struck buildings that surrounded it, the duo knew the true wealth of the place.
   "Well, it will be interesting and entertaining at the least," Serif whispered and glanced around "What is the plan?" Kinbil tilted his head, the thought of a plan obviously giving him a surprised look. "Well, Do, we need a plan?" He smiled, looking to Serif.
  Serif shrugged and smiled. "Well, I guess we don't have to have a plan, though, im sure it would help our success rate a bit. As you might have noticed, our previous adventures havent turned out quite as well as we would have hoped for." Kinbil mearly shrugged and smiled, bringing out his component pouch as he tilted his head. "I agree, though I do love the odds." kinbil glanced back to the tavern and then to Serif, who laughed lightly and looked to Kinbil
   "It will be fun indeed. How are your wizardly spells coming along anyhow?" Kinbil shook his head easily, "Not nearly as good as my skills with a blade." Serif left it at that, not wanting to discourage his friend.
   Kinbil grinned widely as the sun set, realizing the fun they would endure tonight, and not even second guessing the consiquences of their actions.

A work in progress, and, a rough draft, never re-written, though, that is on its way :D

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