[ghost]: 200.Poetry.Learned too late

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2005-09-03 21:56:13
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I've given up on happiness
now all I want is to live my life in peace
I've accepted all this emptiness
as fair punishment for the sin of being me
And so I walk, my head held high amidst the crowd
but my eyes downcast, I watch the ground
pass by beneath my feet
and as I talk, as if my words still matter
through all the pain, I resort to laughter
to try to hide my screams
You see my eyes, so dry, as I smile so insincere
but live my life sometime, try to cry once you've lost your tears

I move forward, on, away from the past
the whole time, I'm haunted, I remember so clear
the way you'd speak, excited, squeals of delight
and for a moment the universe was realigned
balance restored, returned to order
and suddenly life felt justified

But who we were is not who we are
and our love has become a scar
it's now a blight, now such a burden
one of life's lessons we hadn't learned yet

2007-06-12 bloody kisses: *claps happily* Interesting, I must come back when I have the chance hun. If I leave you cookies will you check out my contest? Haha.

Anyways, I'm looking for more participants and I was hoping you could at least check it out : Loveless Affairs

*leavs you a basket of cookies anyways, taking one and takes a bite* Please lookie? It feels so alone with only one person up there...

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