[Aeolynn]: 217.Wooryrieng
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Looking about, the Wooryrienganel
The Wooryrienganel
“Rien, it is very lonely here, especially since the humans have gone through this stage of silence. Did you have any success in your search for something to do?”
Rien shook his head sadly, “I do believe we are now officially bored.”
The female sighed, annoyed. One of the worse things that can happen to a Wooryrienganel
“I’m getting slightly worried at the stillness of the humans.”
“I know of what you feel Ane, I feel the same way. The red that they lay in sparks a long lost memory, one that I still cannot recall. A Wooryrienganel
“Are you saying they could be… dead?”
Rien nodded, his foxtails swishing around his long giraffe-like legs. The Lis’iro were a water species with sharp webbed claws and a mean temper that had come aboard Poseidon One a few days ago and not long after the human’s began to sleep in their crimson liquid iron.
“Dead, or close to it I suppose, it has been two days. I am… worried.”
Ane laughed quietly with her own form of humor, “A Wooryrienganel
Rien didn’t reply but lay down next to her without another word.
Patting him in assurance with one of her penguin flippers Enne leaned her long neck against his and put her head on her paws,
“If we are in a dangerous predicament, I’m sure someone would have told us!”
Note: I kno its short but its also a fun read, enjoy!