[Today for you, tomorrow for me]: 256.Poetry.A Cage Named Society | Rating: 0.00 |
2006-02-06 grushaj: Ok, this is one of many pieces of your poetry I've now read... and here is the honest thing... I really get your messages strong, and many of them I fully agree with. One of the best things a poet can do is make an important point or reflect upon the signifigance of something... you do both, and that's excellent.
Of course... there is some bad. I feel like your word choice can be dull, it doesn't convey your feelings with enough strength or passion.. which I can relate because often I can have the same problem. I'd try taking one of your favorites and just play around with multiple versions, trying different levels of inflection, changing around word choice, formatting and style changes, etc.
Anyhow, I enjoyed the read. Keep up the good work and continue to evolve as a writer.. its a constant battle for all us! :P