[shadow in the midst]: 279.These Four Walls.horror storey

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2006-08-29 14:43:25
Sarah and her family were going out for the weekend. They were having a family reunion at a house in Campbell River; where her dad and his family had grown up as kids. There was a new place open for business called the Country Cabin.

Six hours after hitting the road Sarah heard, "We're here." It almost broke her daze but not quite. The building was small for a hotel and it didnt really have anything pretty about it. They dragged their luggage to the door and opened it slowly wondering if it was the right place. There were no signs or other vehicles and it definitely wasnt a place of high population. They dragged their luggage through the door and saw to one end a wall but to the other was mind boggling.

People were crowded around one table playing some kind of cards while even more were around the tv, watching, talking or even cuddling. The place was filled with western hats on the walls and pictures of cattle and such. The air smelled strong of the smell of burning wood, but in a pleasant way. The hallway right before them was narrow but at the end of it it branched out in different directions (including the entertainment area) with numbered doors at every corner.

As soon as they stepped into the open a girl stepped towards them. Barely inches from her face the girl asked them their name and if they had a reservation. The rest of the family hadn't gotten there yet but that was of no surprise. No one lived close to here anymore except for Uncle Fred but he was never one to be on time either.

Sarah looked around. The tables seemed to take up any room in front of her that would have led to the television. She dropped her bags and squeezed through them accidently bumping one of the older men in the head and quickly apologizing.

"It seems that we have a problem. Are you sure you registered for a room?" The lady asked with a puzzled frown on her face. The computer in front of her was practically the only thing up to date other than the television.

"Yes of course I am sure. Why? What does it say?" Her father asked, starting to get angry.

"According to this it says that you have the basement suite booked for you and... and nine others." She said with even more disbelief.

"Oh maybe Jerry changed the reservations," Her mother lightly said to her father. He still looked uncertain but they took the key to the room anyways. The door was at the end of the hallway but it looked like any other. That is until he opened it after struggling with the key.

The stairs seemed long and dark but the lights weren't much help. If anyone had used this in the last while it would have been a surprise. The light fixtures were covered in a beiged tint and even though there were no cobwebs there was a definite stale odour of wood. Not the same wood as upstairs however. This was of old old wood.

They all stepped into the room letting go of the door. The door closed rather quickly behind them but Sarahs father confirmed their safety, "The hinges must be old." They walked down the stairs careful not to fall with their heavy luggage. Down the stairs another light switch was found and then they saw it. Various sheets hung up around beds each with their own dresser. The space was huge but there seemed to be no walls except one. One that very likely could be the bathroom. Sarah just stood there in disbelief, not even able to think how she would survive an entire two weeks here.

"It looks... cozy," Her mother said trying to lighten the mood. Soon the shock wore off and she slipped into a little room of her own. The only one with a window. She looked out and saw a flash of light. Quick to diverge her eyes she unpacked her belongings and put her precious Betty doll upon her pillow. She picked up her book and started to read when a voice came up.

Screams flooded her mind. Screams of true pain and distraught as if they were dieing the slowest and most painful death of all.

"Excuse me," a male voice spoke softly breaking the feel of terror which stroke her body stiff. He looked at her with a playful look, "I'm sorry did I scare you?"

"Oh no I just... the book, its really scarey."

"Well I was just wondering if you wanted to play some cards... or watch some television. I warn you though the old folks always win the remote." He said as she felt the tension release. Her mind still had thoughts gently whispering...

"Sure." She said with no reluctance. If she was going to be stuck here she might as well make some friends. She went upstairs and saw that most of her family had already gotten there. At the door everyone was given a pair of cowboots and a cowboy hat. It seemed wierd but then again so did everything else in this place.

After the hugs and kisses happened everyone stayed upstairs but not Sarah. She felt that she could spend this time getting to know him a little bit more. Sarah really started becoming fond to the whole boy and girl bit but she still felt nervous to rush things. The last thing she wanted to do was to flirt with him in front of her family. She would much rather be alone.

"So where are you from?" Sarah asked him, a dazzle in her eye. He was definitely gorgeous and someone she couldnt wait to tell her friends about, much less kiss.

"Uhh... here. I guess. My mom owns this place and I usually stick around for quite a while." He said not really noticing her interest.

She looked at him sitting across the bed and slowly inched forward. She planned for the attack with one of her best friends moves.
"You're skin its just so... so tanned." She said, reaching for his skin. He flinched and almost got away but she touched him, and as soon as she did he changed. A burst of darkness flood from his skin and he turned to a small girl in a ruffled nightgown.

Absolutely shocked stiff Sarah couldnt let go. Her fingertip felt such coldness and almost a super glue which kept her finger right there. The coldness was overwhelming spreading througout her body and causing only more fear. Her eyes felt the weight of ceaseless tears but she couldnt move. She couldnt do anything.

"Don't leave me. Don't leave me. In san in in san..." The little girl cried moving enough for the both of them. She didnt touch her as if she was something beyond her reach. Beyond her control. Sarah merely widened her eyes and felt her heart completely stop as this girl desperately wanted her to stay there with her. She would have left if only she could. If only...

She woke up in the morning remembering everything only so clearly. The only indication that it was morning was the fact that the light was shining through her window. Her window. Why did she feel so possessive over this place now? She had been there only a day and already she felt as if she knew it inside out.

She sat up and was bolted with the thought, "What about that boy?" She went upstairs with the true intention to find him and find out what happened but instead found breakfast. She ate quickly and half hearted. Her family surrounded her in words and praises while she agreed and ate.

She searched for that boy, inside and then ventured out. Outside she found a beautiful garden taken over by nature. Vines and trees and beautiful birds graced her presence. She smelled the air and felt how fresh and beautiful it was. She never even noticed when her father called her in for supper. Only then did she dare go inside. She felt a need for the beauty of outside, to hear the birds and feel the wind. To watch the beautiful greenery become ever greener and ever more livelier.

She went in and ate, half heartedly and once again thinking of that boy. Thinking of the walls and all of the tables. Everyone ate in the same room with food that seemed to come from nowhere. She felt her breathing come harder and she twitched but she quickly left to go downstairs again with the excuse of a stomache ache. She only wanted her dolly. Beautiful Betty, her constant comfort. Her only comfort.

When she went to her bed however Betty was not there. Betty was neither on the floor nor in the dresser. She quickly determined that her cousin took it and was filled with hatred. Hatred for what seemed like everyone. It was all somehow everyones fault.

She cried but she walked away from her room before she let any tears fall. She walked to the bathroom door and locked it behind her. Her Betty! That was her Betty!!! The only thing that she truly had and they took it! It didnt even matter if they'd give it back! That was her Betty!!!

She slammed her body against the door and a light went on. Shocked full of fear she stopped crying and stared. The room was beautiful and bright and cheery. It was filled with light and covered in white frilly cloth. The bed gown was truly the most gorgeous, and Sarah couldnt help but touch it. Feel it. The more she saw it and knew it the more she wanted it. Needed it. Delicate flowers on every patch and trees that seemed to grow bigger and more beautiful every second. One bird stood so still it seemed to be forever. It seemed to be waiting. She couldnt help but put it on. She spun around in it, feeling the fabric brush against her skin. Passion flooded her body as she felt its soft intricate patterns swarm around her in a warm cover. This was hte only room in the entire house that looked like anything special and she needed it. She needed this dress.

Then as she twirled around in front of a mirror she noticed a handle. A small handle. Just one. She stopped her twirling, still aware of how gorgeous she was in it. She floated down towards the handle and carefully placed her hand on it. It wouldnt budge at first and then flung open with a piercing scream that sent her to the grown. A rush of air surrounded her as she closed her eyes and her dress floated off of her skin. But just for a second. One painful second. She walked through the small doorway and suddenly felt alone.

So alone. She felt as if there was nothing else in the world. That these four walls were the only things close to her. And how close they were. So close... so very close. The windows were boarded up and the room was clear but not nice. Another white room but this was different. In this one there was no mirrors... no lamps. No dresses. "Dresses?" she thought as she looked down to her own. Now it was hers. She didnt care. But there was nothing there. Well her clothes were there but not the dress... her dress...
She felt an spurge of emotion rush over her. She screamed with the pain of this loneliness and of this need to be free. A need to escape these walls ever closing and this pain ever growing. Her need was overwhelming. So overwhelming.

She fell down with tears as she felt a hand on her shoulder. A little girl. The same little girl. "I need you... Help... help..."
Sarah knew what she meant. These walls. She needed help to escape these walls. There was nothing to life if she was stuck here. Where were the birds? The trees? The sun? Where was life?

She blinked unable to think of a way to escape as she felt the little girls touch. Just a small touch. A gentle one. One like the one she had given that boy...

What boy? Where was he? Why did he leave? Where did he go...

She didnt understand him. All she understood right now was the saddness and the destruction that this place put in her. The need for destruction of her own. The need to destroy and release the anger they had placed in her for keeping her here. For placing these four walls.

She cried out in pain and swung her body to hold the little girl. She knew her pain and she knew how hard it was for her. At that instant she fell right through her and landed on the ground by the force of her body. She felt nothing but hte cold wood floor smack up against her cheek.

"Darling..." Sarah heard her mother say. Shocked she rolled over, sat up and looked at her in one instant. She was once again in her bedroom. As if nothing had happened. It kept her on edge as her mother spoke.

"I was just heading off to bed and wondering if you were alright. Is your stomache feeling any better?" She asked with even more worry in her eyes.

"Yes a little. I guess. Thanks. Goodnight." she spoke quickly hoping that she would leave just as hastily. She needed to think. To understand. She felt as if she had gone insane. How could it have felt so real? Was she truly insane?

She tossed and turned that night unable to sleep. It seemed that a draft was in the air but instead of going out of hte window it went towards the window. Heavily slanting towards the window. As if the pull wasnt even of a draft as if it were... calling her. She got up with that passion again. She looked down as soon as she felt the carresses. The love. The beauty of all divine life. As if heaven were blessed in this very sheet and to be so near it was almost a sin it was so perfect. And it made her feel perfect. Beyond the emotional state that any guy or girl could give her.

She opened the window and she barely fit to climb out. She barely thought of the time or if she should, she had to. The pull was too strong and this dress too gorgeous to keep locked up. Dress? It wasnt even a dress. She had to keep reminding herself that it was in fact a nightgown. Oh but how gorgeous it was. As sleek as silk and as close as leather but with a touch past fleece... past luxurious.

She stepped out into the wind as it held her close. It completed her with the dress with the night as the sounds and feelings captured her. Excitement and life filled her. She swam through the air towards the circling trees and the lovely vines. Colors filled her breath as they all united for what seemed as seconds. She felt the cool touch of the ground as she slipped slowly back inside, with all regret, knowing that the time had come. She cried when she tried to open the window, so she left it open. The night was crisp but it delighted her. She loved it.

She woke up in the nightgown. Feeling perfect. Absolutely perfect. She went out of her room but no one was there. She looked at her window but it was closed. She started to panic as she screamed out for someone. Anyone. She needed to know there was someone there in her loneliness. Within her four walls. Her walls. Even the dress couldnt help her now. Oh darling... the dress?? The dress whered it go??

Wrung up in distraught she circled around trying to find the dress. She didnt realize where her feet were going as long as her eyes found that dress. Not one soul was around and she finally lost hope and collapsed along a bed. Her arm felt the bed as it fell and the bed was hard and cold. It felt like the underneath of a rock with sheets so itchy it could almost cut you. She cried as she felt the pain of how small the room was, how the four walls hated her.

She looked down to see her in full white clothing. She felt the fear rush back to her face as her nostrils became smaller and her heart stopped beating. This wasnt her. She knew it as she saw her reflection in the mirror. She was that little girl.

Crying from the misfortune and confusion and the fact that she was so alone and so shackled she heard a loud clatter come from outside. Screams filled her ears as she heard people of all kinds scream for their lives and she heard metal and cloth ripped and clattering. Her ears were filled not with the sound of birds that she had hoped for but with the sound of pain. The sound of insanity.

She cried even louder but ended at a sharp piercing knock. The knock seemed to be without echo but it had such power it stopped her short in her tracks. A lady came in with kneedles and knives and straps and she struggled. "Dear Lord, save me!" she cried from behind her walls. The pain and the frustration fought with her to make her lively and thrashing.

She felt needle pierce into her arm as she saw the ugly lady's mustache slowly blurr and disappear. That needle had such pain such force that nothing else seemed to matter. Not the screams nor the bed not even the walls.

She awoke in a black room. She screamed and cried and felt around. She felt bodies. Several bodies. They were all alive but barely. "Help me!" she cried, "Where am I?"

"The hole..." a whisper came. A male whisper. She recognized the voice, she knew it somehow. She didnt know how however and she was too afraid to try to play guessing games right now. She needed to get out. Out of the darkness, out of the pain. Just out of these four walls!

She ran up against the only faint sign of light. She knew it had to be the door. It had to be. She flung her hands, her legs, her whole body at the door trying to even get a budge from it. The man was quick behind her and touched her lightly on the back calming her almost instantly. He was cold, so cold, but it was familiar. Almost pleasant to know something was the same. Nothing else was.

She stepped back and the light came shining through. A second later her eyes adjusted and she saw who it was. It was the little boy, but he looked so sickly here. Not the good looking guy that she had tried to pick up. She almost cried but he rushed her off.

Towards the door. Oh the hallway was so long. So long. And it never got any closer but he was there, and she knew it would be alright. She couldnt even tell if she was running or walking he was just so close to her and comforting. The walls almost tore her apart as she fought them off. They came closer to her, crushing her lungs and squeezing her eyeballs. Her heart almost collapsed under their pressure. She saw the door he had opened so easily and she fought, she fought and she fought. They tore at her clothes and at her hair. She felt their nails dig straight through her flesh as she cried in pain and hands swarmed around her as she was brought back into the torture of the building. Of her four walls.

His eyes looked at her filled with tears as his beautiful blue-gray eyes blurred away.

She opened her eyes again almost afraid to move. She was so weary, so let down. She was so close to freedom, so close to happiness and then she failed. He led her through every step but that and she couldnt follow him. She couldnt make it...

She looked up to see the window. Her curtains surrounded her room and her heart lightly lifted, but only lightly. The window was still closed. She went out of her room and looked into the other sheets. No one. No one again. What was happening?

How could she go through it again? Feel all of that pain and confusion. The loneliness was too much for her. She felt the insanity and it killed her to know that that little girl felt it too. Or was it just her? Was Sarah insane? What was happening?

She went upstairs and there were people eating like normal. She went over to where the people sat watching television. She saw the walls closing in and the little girl flashed into her mind. There was something coming closer and she had to get out. But why were all of these people so oblivious? And where was her family?

"Get out!!" She screamed with fear in her eyes and voice. She was brought back to the dark room and the helplessness she had felt. She thrashed and tried to get past the tables and tables as she saw her mother walking into oblivion. She didnt know how she knew but she knew that that meant total destruction. The world within here made people yearn to get out, only to trap them. To destroy them. Nothing could be okay anymore.

"Mom!!!" She screamed as if she had all fo the breath in the world. Her mother didnt seem to hear nor see her. She stepped into the swarm of colors and winds and noises and her entire body was thrashed apart in mere seconds.

Sarah thrashed completely at the tables which tripped her, grabbed at her, held her back. "Stay. Help me." She heard a little girl say. "Help me and I will help you."

"Get out!" Sarah screamed again at the people still mindlessly watching television. It was as if they didnt even care. As if they could even see her...

She collapsed for only a second, completely out of breath and out of hope. "Mommy..." she cried, wheezing and twitching and completely mournful. "I need you..." 

Filling up with anger she rose again, feeling the power surge throughout her. The pain had elevated and her weariness disappeared as she remembered that very moment her mother disappeared. Not only disappeared but... died. She felt the blood almost burst from her veins as she remembered it, lifting first her head with a hard thrust and then her body soon after.

"I WONT LET YOU DO THIS!" she screamed straight at one spot. She knew that that little girl was listening intently and she was going to make her pay for this.

She fought her way past the wind past all of the color which captured her, and ripped at her skin. It tore her clothes from her flesh but she fought it all off with her eyes almost shut and her fists flinging before her. She swam and climbed and absolutely thrashed against the pull which brought her back.

"I need your help." The little girl said, teary eyed. "Why won't you help me?"

"I DONT CARE!!!!" Sarah cried, only having more anger elevate. More power. She saw her mothers eyes as she remembered her say darling. Oh mother! She missed her so badly and she needed her right now to kiss all of the tears away.

Her veins started popping as she finally got past the couches, as she struggled to even clamp onto the tables which were vacant. She dug her nails in, feeling the wood slip away from her grip. Tearing her body she forced herself past the chairs and past the tables all which made her a slight bit weary but her anger rose up and built her strength.

The hallway. The small condensed hallway. The walls seemed so small they were almost right against each other. She remembered the tightness of her chest and the pain of her heart. She stood in shock and fear for a moment but she knew she had to. Her family was gone and now she would be too but it would be better to die here and now with them than to live the insanity that the little girl wanted her to have. The sick little twisted girl. How could she?

She put her arms one on each wall struggling to have her feet keep moving. The air tossed around her, ridiculed her, tempted her to come back. It promised sweet things like love and happiness. Like that little dress and that room... so perfect and beautiful. It knew her deepest desires but it never spoke once of her family. She never realized how much she wanted to be with them until she lost them and now she couldnt turn back. She couldnt let them go without her. She couldnt give the little girl the satisfaction of it.

"GO AWAY!!" she screamed at her, so full of anguish and anger. She needed to do this, she needed to. The sounds were deafening and the colors going strong and steady now with the forces tearing her not only back now but together so close together. She felt the pains grow inside of her as she screamed out in the torturous rampage. She clung to one wall now, finally reaching the door frame. The door was nowhere in sight but she didnt waste time. A finger slipped as she cried in complete rage, not now of pain but of frustration.

She flung her hand onto the other side as her legs clenched tight to the door frame. "YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME! NOT LIKE THIS!! NOT LIKE..." She screamed into the pit as she finally got up enough surge to jump in while she was pulled straight to the core. She flashed into darkness and then light again, seeing something peculiar.

She saw a beautiful room, the same room that she saw before. The one with white and the dress. But this time there was no dress. The windows were open and a light breeze made the curtains softly shimmer. She heard a door open and she got up from where she was on the ground. She saw the little girl in the dress and she felt slightly possessive of that dress at that moment. She saw tears in her eyes as a large male came into the room.

"Daddy no!! Please no daddy!! No!!"

"You have to learn. You have to learn." He said, a stern tone in his voice. He took her arm and she kicked him and he slapped her across the mouth and dragged her away. He took her and shoved her into the little doorway that Sarah had once walked through. Sarah felt so terrible for the little child and she followed her through the door. She saw once again that white room. Not the beautiful room but one of stale coldness with the four walls that seemed to ever becoming closer. She saw hte little girl, her dress gone and now in nothing but a white plain shirt. She could feel the pain of being stripped of that dress with its fabric so soft and beautiful. She could feel the difference, how harsh this one felt against her young, delicate skin. This wasn't supposed to happen... not like this.

"Help me..." the child shuddered as she flinched from all of the screams. The screams kept her huddled in a corner watching intently to the door. The nurse made her presence known as that same knock came...

At this point Sarah was filled with emotion; filled with understanding. She screamed as she ran up to the door, flinging herself at it. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" she cried at the nurse. She couldn't take it anymore... how could they all be so mean? She was only a child! A child!

She struggled to tighten her grip as the handle turned. Her energy was gone and she was wrought from pain. She was flung to the side however from the strength of the nurse and lay on the ground beaten and worn. The little girl screamed as the nurse raged towards her.

"IT WASNT ME!! IT WASNT ME I SWEAR!" the little girl cried as she was grabbed harshly by the arm and dragged out the door. Sarah got up slowly and painfully made her way towards them. The nurse locked the door that she shoved the little girl in and straightened her shirt in an angry way. Sarah went up to the door and saw how completely barricaded the little girl was.

Sarah tried to grab the nurse as she was just bare feet away. She couldnt, she went right through as if Sarah wasnt even there. Sarah panicked and a scream went through her mouth. This was all just too wierd, too much and she couldnt take it as, at last, the scream ended as she fell to the floor in complete exhaustion.

"Just help me..." Sarah heard as she slowly opened her eyes. Her head was pounding and her face was sticky with the feeling of stale tears. She looked at the girl, who was sitting right across from her but this time in Sarah's little section of a room. Sarah could hardly breathe, seeing how closely they were and how close the sectioned curtains were.

"I... I understand but I dont know how to help you, all I know is that I need to be with my family. Now. What are you doing with me?" Sarah asked, now broken hearted. She slowly lost hope of finding her family again.

"Just listen to me..." the little girl said, continuing as if she had a lot to say.

"I AM! I have been, what more can I do?" Sarah asked, desperation alive in her voice. She just wanted to get out, just like the little girl. So if she understood then why wouldnt she give her her freedom, her family... her own sanity.

"... I know..." the little girl whispered, barely moving her lips. She looked down into the corner and her eyes dampened as she held out her hand for Sarah to hold. "You have my blessing now... you may leave if you wish. As for your family... well they will never know any different." The little girl gave a small smile and looked into Sarah's eyes. A look that almost shattered Sarahs heart. From that look she felt all of the pain, fear and confusion from all that she understood of that little girl come back to her in mere seconds.

"Well what can I do for you?" Sarah asked, slightly hesitant but with every good intention of her heart she truly wanted to rid this girl of her terrors.

"I want you to know the truth. One little girl can make a difference. There was once this man... a very long time ago. My mother was killed by him and then he abused me until he left and my foster home sent me away. I was never the same... and the man was never caught. He was..." the little girl said, hesitant at long last for she had such pain in the pauses. She let a tear slide down her cheek as she closed her eyes and bit her lip which threatened to tremble.

"... Your father..." Sarah said, knowing only so well now. "How could they not catch him? How long ago was this?"

The little girl tried to respond but she faded away, until a point where she screamed in pain as her entire body warped in the complete pain of her state. Her body twitched for almost a second before it disappeared completely. All of the while Sarah stood right next to her, reaching for her, crying for her to come back. She sat there confused and distressed for a long while before she realized what she had to do. She had to find this man. And she had to make him pay...

Her anger rose again as she thought of it, ever intensifying. Sitting there for many moments she plotted his death, plotted his life and plotted how torturous it will have to be.

2006-08-25 shadow in the midst: its based on a dream that i had and i really hope that it turns out. hope you like it.

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