2006-02-16 Fireheart: O.O Woah Sunny. Just woah. Very descriptive and awesomely cool. Good job! 2007-02-08 Jenna Rose: Amazing. 2007-02-08 kumquat: 2007-02-09 RiddleRose: alsjgflhauyyyy[RiddleRose]: 298.Poetry.My Hands
Rating: 0.45
At night my hands are lovers,
Right caresses left
Molding to each other
Molding air.
Beautiful movement
About each other,
Stroking, turning,
Smoothly perfect
violets and roses
When all is black
And white.
My hands are life itself,
They move in tandem
Gentle ghostly lovers
They twist and turn,
Move and shape
Strange phantoms
In the air...
Pressure of the
Sparkling crimson
Energy outlines in
Grace incarnate
but never touching
At night my hands are lovers...
This is beautiful.
I mean...wow.
I adored reading it :]Missing: </sub>