[Fireheart]: 318.Contest Entries.This is Life- The Bee Incident

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2006-06-29 17:35:05
short story
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When I was younger, I had a near-death experience due to those little critters called bees. This is the story.

The room was reeling again, flying past my eyes as I lay on the hospital bed, consumed by a fever. I drifted in and out of a sort of half-sleep, never fully closing my eyes, but never fully opening them either.
Snippets of the conversation that was going on in the corner of the room reached my ears.
"Fever of 103.8..."
" Her blood pressure is dropping every hour."
"We can't give her anything because of the allergies..."
"Heart murmer kicking in again..."
"She's in a very serious state."
My head lolled to one side. Nothing that the doctors were saying registered...
I wanted to be sick, but I was too weak. There was nothing in my stomach. There hadn't been for at least three days, and there wouldn't be for another week.
All nutrients came from the IV that stayed by my bed, pupming its clear fluid into my arm.
It was a week and a half before I could leave the hospital. The first thing I did when I got home was sleep for almost two days straight. My fourth bout of fever had not broken yet.
As I slept a dreamt of a woman who I had never met before, my Grandmother Natalie. She had died before I was born, but she had enormous influence on our family.
In my dream she had taken my hand and led me to a blue room, where we talked. Mainly about death, and about life... I never remembered the specifics, but I know that that conversation gave me an entirely new look on life. It certainly was a fever dream, and probably induced by whatever antibiotics they had me on. But it changed my outlook on life forever.
After a month or so, as I sat out in the summer sun with pollen drifting in the air around me and the sunlight warm on my skin, I saw a bee land on the flower next to me. I should have been afraid, but I wasn't. I should have died from my allergy. Though I have a deadly reaction to bees, I am not afraid of them, even after my near-death experience.

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