This is a creation myth that I wrote for a grade a few months ago.
Before the time of man- before the time of the universe, actually- the Gods lived on a vast plane of eternal and surreal beauty. They were perfect beings in every respect, strong and beautiful and wise. They ruled this plane, and they were governed by the chief Goddess Rhapsody, the Goddess of Creation and Chaos. At one point, Rhapsody called a meeting of all the Gods and Goddesses.
She rose in her chair at the head of the great table and said, "My good subjects and equals, I would like to propose something to you. As we are, we are powerful beings, capable of most anything as individuals and endlessly unlimited if we work together."
Murmers of agreement filled the room. Rhapsody raised her hand for silence.
"This... place... that we dwell is beautiful, and we have everything that we need... however, outside of our haven is dark, forbidden, and uninhabited. It is cold, lonely, and harsh. There is nothing. I propose that together, we create a place of beauty, but a strange beauty... a beauty different from the one we experience here, out in that emptiness. We will cover the entire darkness, the void, with this beauty. I believe we need a task as great as this to truly fulfill our immortal duties, and it will teach us to work together in harmony. What is your thought on this?"
A cheer of consent went up among the Gods and Goddesses. Rhapsody smiled.
"Excellent. Tomorrow, we will begin our task. We will meet at the great arch, and enter the void from there. I thank you for your consent."
With that, all of the Gods and Goddesses stood. The table vanished. Rhapsody bowed low, and her subjects bowed in return, before returning to their dwelling places to rest.
The next morning, all of the Gods and Goddesses, dressed in their most dazzling attire that corresponded to the substance/elem
ent/idea that they ruled, came to the base of the great rainbow arch that was the gate between their plane and the Unknown. Each and every one was ready to put their powers to the enormous task. A rumble of excitement ran through the remarkable crowd; beautiful faces shone with eagerness, as Rhapsody Parted the Veil; she opened the doorway between the World of the Gods and the Great Emptiness that lay beyond.
A hush fell as the inky black silence was revealed. A coldness radiated from beyond, sinking to the very bone.
"This is what I ask you to fix." Rhapsdoy said quietly, gesturing out the doorway. "I have given you no boundaries as to what you can and cannot do," she continued. "And I expect only the best from all of you. Use your magicks and your creativity, and work together. I know you can do this." And with that, she stepped out into the void and seemed to disappear.
The other Gods and Goddesses followed uncertainly. Celeste, the bright Goddess of light, gleamed like seven Suns and led them on their way, even though there was nothing to see.
They walked for many days, losing the doorway to their own world, but goaded on by Rhapsody, who led somewhere ahead of Celeste, unseen and rarely heard except at these moments of encouragement. Finally, at one point, she shouted from ahead, "Stop!" And all of her subjects did without complaint. They were tired, cold, weary, drained, and uncertain. Celeste continued to shine with a great light.
"Our work will begin here. What should be the first thing to happen? What should we create first?"
Celeste spoke, in her bright, beautiful voice. "There should be light. I cannot shine forever like this, and we will need to have some light to work by. I will create this." With that, she spread her hands and raised her arms above her head. She threw her head back and cried out. I burst of brilliant light blinded all of the Gods and Goddesses temporarily. When they opened their eyes, they were standing in the midst of trillions of tiny pinpricks of light that shone with the intensity of Celeste herself. The tiny lights stretched off endlessly into the Infinity.
Celeste was proud of her work. She had stopped shining, yet everything was still visible due to her fine work. She was given great applause and cheers, and she took them all with a gracious smile.
"Next, we must make some clusters of these amazing things, for added beauty." Rhapsody exclaimed with delight. She took a handful in her fist and squeezed. When she let go, the mass of tiny lights hung in the air. The other Gods and Goddesses hurried to do the same. They wandered off and soon came back, having made enough of these.
"We will call the small bright lights stars," Rhapsody said, "And these clumps of them will be known as galaxies."
"Now we must make this entire thing we are forming larger," said Colossus the Giant, "So that we don't have to make our work so delicate. Speaking for myself, I would surely crush anything else made on this same scale."
The other Gods and Goddesses heartily agreed, so Colossus seized hold of the darkness around him and began to haul it one way. He stretched for several minutes, until he was well away from the group. The creation enlongated. He then came back and stretched it in three different directions. He stretched it very far. Soon, the Gods and Goddesses were surprised to find that they were standing in a galaxy. And the stars were millions of times bigger than they were! Colossus was given much praise.
"This place is very beautiful," said Terra, the Goddess of Nature and good earth. "But it needs some color, and some substance." So together with the help of Rayeon, the God of Colors, she formed spheres of claylike substance and some lint from her pocket, which he added different colors to, and then she threw them off into the thing that was forming, and as they flew along they grew to magnificent size, and they all settled in different places across the field of stars. Nine settled in the galaxy that all of the Gods and Goddesses were currently standing in. "We'll call these planets." Terra said with satisfaction, and she was answered with approval from her fellows.
Rhapsody spoke, "I am very proud of what has happened so far. Many of you still have opportunity to contribute, though, so I want you all to spread out over this place we have made in pairs and over the next few days, each of you must think of something to do."
A cry from somewhere was heard. "But Milady, what shall we call this nothingness that we are transforming?" Rhapsody thought hard about this for several moments.
Finally she replied, "We will call this place the universe. It is unique and universal. A combination of the two words results in a perfect name." And then the Gods and Goddesses paired off and wandered across the Universe, looking for things to make better and searching their minds for things to create. Rhapsody wandered among them to check on their progress.
Morpheus, the God of Darkness and Dreams, created black holes; they were holes that led into the nothingness beyond the nothingness. The other Gods and Goddesses stayed well clear of these. Luna, Goddess of Nighttime, created moons for planets out of the ashes of an herb she had picked earlier. Celeste enlarged some of her stars in certain galaxies to form Suns. Other Gods and Goddesses changed the colors of a select few stars to add variety. Rin, God of Motion, created tiny stars that shot across the sky. He also caused planets to rotate slowly while at the same time revolving around a Sun. The God of food found some raisins in his pocket, which became floating space debris. Slowly, the Gods and Goddesses perfected the universe.
In the galaxy that had come to be known as the Milky Way, in which nine of the planets had settled, two of the celestials, a pair of lovers, in fact- had found themselves with nothing to do. Both were rarely short of inspiration and had become frustrated. They sat on the third planet from the Sun, which was brown, and thought long and hard about what to do. But nothing came to them.
Fireheart, Goddess of Flame, sighed heavily and keeled over onto her back, glaring up at the sky. She was in a rather bad mood. Her soul mate Stormbringer, God of Storms, wasn't faring too much better. The lack of ideas caused both of them to fidget. They had been in the same place for at least a day without any inspiration. Fireheart became so frustrated that she began to cry. Her glowing molten tears leaked into the Earth and filled it with the material. Volcanoes began to form on the surface and where their lava dried, good earth was made. These masses formed in several places.
Stormbringer was saddened by the fact that his Fireheart was sad, so he began to cry also. His tears enveloped the planet and became the oceans, rivers, and lakes. They also dampened the good earth, where plants and trees started to grow. Storm clouds formed above the planet, and the atmosphere formed from the cloud of their sadness. Rain fell from the sky.
Fireheart and Stormbringer were oblivious to these great changes happening around them. However, before they knew it, they looked around and they were sitting in the middle of a great forest on a mountaintop. They were shocked when they realized that they had unknowingly created the most incredible thing of all: a hospitable planet ten times the size of the haven that the Gods and Goddesses had always inhabited. Joyously they ascended to tell Rhapsody.
They were also surprised when they saw the universe that had been perfected. It was beautiful! All of the Gods and Goddesses were waiting for them. When asked what they had contributed, they eagerly led the way to the amazing planet Earth, as they had named it.
Rhapsody and the other Gods and Goddesses were speechless when they viewed this spectacular place. Finally Rhapsody managed to say, "It's amazing. it's more beautiful than the place we live! And there is no one here but us. Let us live here, where we have easy access to the Universe we have created."
The other Gods and Goddesses agreed. They moved in on planet Earth. Soon, Fireheart gave birth to Stormbringer's child, and the other Gods and Goddesses followed suit; soon there were enough of them to cover the Earth. As time went on they created animals, and delicious foods, and all the joys and pleasures of our time.
The Gods found that where they never grew old, their children aged and died in time. They were brokenhearted by this and couldn't bear it anymore. So they journeyed back to their home in the Heavens and dwell there to this day.
Today, we are the descendants of the Gods. They are our ancestors. If you think about it, everyone is good at something; if you are a good artist, your first ancestor was probably the Goddess of artistry. If you are a good cook, the God of Food was your first ancestor, and so on and so forth. We are more connected to the spirit world than we think.