[Grey Wanderer]: 331.Falk-Charpart

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2006-03-26 13:30:22

1. Choose a gender.
2. Choose a place of birth
He was born on Kopez. His father, a farmer, had taken a trip to Kaminara as a sailor when he was younger, in order to help catch some elves to find out about their island. He had found ___’s mother, and captured her. She had been young and very frightened, especially on a boat of burly half-naked men. Somewhere along the trip she became pregnant, not by her wish, and she gave girth on Kopez before dying in the torture chambers they used to get information. His father had decided the he didn’t like it, and had taken him back to Nethel and become a farmer.
3. Choose a hobby.
He likes to make music, and he isn’t bad at throwing things. Quite good, in fact.
4. Choose a past job.
Helping his ‘family’ at the farm. His ‘father’ was a pig farmer.
5. Choose a present job.
Working at the inn, by the bar. Barkeep’s assistant.
6. Choose a past love interest.
Ennadora, or just Enny. It was when they were going to school together. They where ‘dating’, but there was nothing very serious. He tends to be very cautious when it comes to relationships. It probably comes from being shunned as a half elf for his first few years.
7. Choose an enemy.
Dan Fergus. He is a school mate and from day one he hated ___. Now he doesn’t see much of Dan though.
8. Why is your character not working at the old job?
It wasn’t realy a job, and he didn’t get any money for it. Also he couldn’t stand it when they had to kill the pigs. He’s in the new one because he left the farm and he likes to be able to hear the news.
9. Why is your character not with the old love interest?
They started out as just friends. Enny was the only person who could see that ___ wasn’t bad because he was a half elf. It developed a bit more, but eventually they decided that they just wanted to be friends. Now they only see each other once in a while. Enny is working with the weaver, and that is on the other side of town from the inn.
10. Why does your character not make the hobby a profession?
He’s very shy about his music, and how do you get money by throwing things?
11. How did your character make the enemy?
He didn’t make him, Dan just decided he didn’t like ____ and since he was popular, he made life miserable for ___ at school until ___ learned to deal with him and Enny started to see that ___wasn’t all Dan said he was.
12. What is the one thing in the world your character would do anything to avoid? Why? What has he already done to avoid this? What do you see him doing in the future to avoid it?
Having things stick to him, especially anything dirty. He hates to not be clean. It’s irrational. He keeps away from cobwebs, mud and the lot, and always washes his hands whenever possible.
13. What is the one thing in the world your character would do anything in the world to have? Why? What has he already done to try to obtain it? What does he hope to try in the future?
He wants to get away from the town. He wants to find other elves because he doesn’t feel even half human. He feels elvish, and he needs to find out about his people. He’s working at the inn, gathering information and money for passage to Kaminara.
14. Where did they grow up?
He lived on the ship until they got to port, then on Kopez until his father brought him back to Nethel and the village and the farm.
15. Where do they live now?
He has a place in the inn, but it’s in the same town.
16. How do they vote, or don't they bother (if they are old enough)?
In the town they don’t vote, they have a matriarch who chooses the her successor.
17. How many siblings do they have - any older, any younger?
His father married and had 7 children, all younger. 5 boys and 2 twin girls.
18. Are their parents still alive?
His mother is not, but his father is. His father isn’t actually his biological father; that was one of the sailors, but he calls him that anyway.
19. What do/did their parents do?
His mother made pottery, and his father was a sailor, but turned farmer when ___ came along.
20. Where did they go to school, and what was their favorite subject?
The matriarch chooses a teacher, and he teaches all of the villagers. ___ liked learning about the natural world.
21. Who was their best friend, and have they kept in touch?
Enny was is best friend, but he only sees her occasionally now.
22. Who was their favorite relative, and why?
He never met any relatives because his father had run away, but he always imagined that he had an elven aunt.
23. Do they/did they get on with their parents?
He got on well with his father in general.
24. What is their favorite food, and what would they never eat for all the tea in China?
He loves peaches, and hates meat. It makes him feel sick.
25. Favorite drink?
Peach juice of course!
26. Favorite color?
Pale yellow or yellowy green.
27. Regional accent?
“Hullo. I haven’t seen you ‘round lately.” A lot of ‘ah’ sounds.
28. What do they do for a living - and what is their dream job?
He works in the inn. He hasn’t given much though to the future beyond finding the elves, but he likes to make things.
29. Do they have a partner, and if so, how did they meet?
30. What is the closest they have ever come to dying?
Either in the torture camp where his mother died (they didn’t torture him, but he almost starved) or that time he got tangled in the reins and the plow horse dragged him around the woods. Took ages for his father to find him, and he’s still got the scars all over his chest.
31. How do they spend their weekends?
Lazing around in trees, climbing around the woods, that is if he isn’t needed at the inn.
32. What are their tastes - and would they be different if they had unlimited money to spend?
He likes simple stuff. His room has a chair, a bed, and a table, all roughly cut out of wood. If he had unlimited money he’d probably get some nicer stuff, but still nothing fancy.
33. What is the name of your character?
Falk. That took me FOREVER to find, so you’d better like it.  No last name. His father’s is Woolenbrook, but he refuses to use that.

The Physical:

1. How tall are they?
Fine. 5’7”
2. How old, precisely?
17- this isn’t nearly as mature as that age is for a human.
3. What color is their hair - and is it natural?
Light brown, chopped off just below his ears. It’s natural.
4. Eyes – color, size, sunken, protuberant, heavy lidded?
Fairly average, except that they are very bright and piercing. It unnerves most people. Green, by the way.
5. Skin color?
It would be pale but he’s really tanned.
6. What do they like to wear?
He likes simple stuff, some sturdy pants, tunic, cloak. He does like things that flow nicely (like that pic. I drew of the elf for Kaela)
7. Picture them walking down a street - how do they move?
Very gracefully. Easy grace, not feline or slinking, just smooth.
8. Give them an outstanding feature - something that will always identify them: a birthmark, a scar, big ears, a big nose or small feet – the first thing somebody would notice when they saw them.
Very bright eyes. His chest is also covered in scars from being dragged through the woods by his arm and foot- at the time tangled in the reins of the horse, but most people don’t see that.
9. Something they would never go out without – the more unusual you make this, the more your character will take shape. Do they always have a backpack? Do they carry a snapshot of an old lover? Would they rather be caught dead than not have a clean handkerchief in their bag?
He has a pet marten that he rescued, and always has her hanging around somewhere. He keeps some string and a sling in his pocket.

When you know all this, write down no more than three lines which build a recognizable picture of this person, without burying your reader in detail. Perhaps you will add more as you write your story, perhaps not. These should be the key features that your reader must see to distinguish the character from the rest of the world. When you place them in a story, leave some gaps for the reader to fill in. Know that if you were asked any detail about this character, you'd be able to answer.

He stood easily, bright eyes scanning the room. Dressed in simple dark green, he seemed to melt into the scene perfectly, not worth a glance. And he liked it that way.

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