[Eloura]: 341.School Writtings.Masqurade of the Red death: The poem for Shelly-stak

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2007-09-19 15:01:20
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Fear ye young prince
danger comes your way

A plauge come's your way
death and destruction
to stay

death spreads
through your kingdom
scream's and crying
echo's through
your walls

So you run
you run and hide
in your abby
So safe inside

Yet how are you safe
we wonder crazily

You lead the blind
of a thousand men
to there death
does it ever end

You had your party
with room's of all color

the midnight room
is your doom

so worry and fear
this midnight drear

for the clock
strikes midnight still

you shall lay
amoung the dead
friends around
oh so dear

You claimed to be safe    
you claimed
to be calm

But now you lay
as the old clock chimes
dead you do be
no longer seen

so gone you are
your killer now known
you death is found
so let it be known

Peace brought on
by the bloody


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