Th Dark One
Athilea Majiri
It was late in the evening as the moon hung over the
mill. Such a strange contraption that some new found scientist had invented, it disgusted her. Who had ever heard of building something simply to catch the wind in great blades? To the woman that stood and looked up at the ugly thing it made no sense.
That wasn't what she was here for thoughts he thought. It's time to
avenge him. Or so that's what she was being paid to do. In her mind real revenge was only delivered by to one who had actually suffered from the loose, but it was not her place to decide what the lords of the land do. She was an assassin, one of the best, and that was why she was here in the first place.
A man dark man that posed as a noble had apparently given a
gift to the lords’ baby sister, not quite a baby anymore though, and that gift was her death it seemed. He had given her immortal life that first had to end with the girls’ death. He was interrupted before the task was completed though and now she had been sent to ensure that he was also killed. She was known for being ruthless and impossible to distract. The vampire would try though as they all so often did.
Finally she slipped silently into the building, her dark eyes glided easily over the room. She knew where her target was suppose to be so she kept to the shadows knowing that her dark clothing and mask would help keep her position at almost any given time a secret. When she moved closer to the stairwell that led down the
tangy, more like putrid, smell of rotting human flesh filled her nostrils. It didn't faze her though; the training stayed true and kept her from making a sound that would give her position away.
The shadowy figure moved slowly down the stairway not making a sound. This creature was so quite that it seemed almost to be weightless. The stairs were notorious for the complaint that issued when a foot touched them. The assassin was good, but could not hide her life from him. He could smell the blood that flowed through her body and licked his lips as though he were about to taste the sweetest candy in the entire world.
He moved but the bright color that he wore caught the assassins’ eyes. It was had to hide the
fuchsia cape this haughty vampire favored. That was the sign, he had seen her or he would not have moved. She moved down the rest of the stairs, ignoring the creaking that sounded that a human’s pain. She pulled out a dagger that dripped with the poison she kept in that sheath for just such an occasion, and before he had the chance to turn around she shoved the thing into his back.
The creature gasped and then she heard the horrible laughter behind her. The bastard had tricked her. There was no time for the assassin to react before she felt the sharp fangs force their way into her skin. He didn't even bother to push the cloth aside. This woman was going to be his, but he had to act fast and he knew it. She fought for a few moments before she submitted to him. Then she truly became the best assassin there ever was, a legend among legends, with the predatory instincts of the vampires blood that had begun to run through her veins.
©2006 Pamela "Athilea" Johnson All Rights Reserved