The Ruins of Kaladar
By Athilea Majiri
It was a hot afternoon, but the excavation was just getting started for the day. They had been digging and searching the sight of the ruins for some time now and had just begun to find any sign of the people that once lived here. Jeff dug down near a wall of what must have been a once great castle and found something. He removed it very carefully and then ran to his boss, Frank with it. As Jeff reached Frank he handed him what he thought was a journal.
Frank took the journal from Jeff and turned the pages carefully, curiosity in his eyes no seen before, "Where did you find this, Jeff," came the question.
Just a few feet down, over near the ruined castle walls. I thought you might find it interesting, though I don't really understand why it wasn't farther down. The way I have it figured," she points to the journal, "that has to be one of the oldest things we've found thus far."
Frank nodded and looked back down to the entry, "Well, let's see if we can make sense of what was happening, and why the journal was so far up, when this entry was made." They began to read, Jeff looking over Franks shoulder. The words were not easy to read, but they could understand the language. This is what was written:
The date I find is unimportant, and would remain so even if I knew what it is. Many things have happened, whether for better or worse I can not say. We've been protecting somethin which must remain unstated. . .unnamed. The fact is that many have died in this fight, as I expect many more shall.
It is not at an end, perhaps it will not be for a long time. Though it is quiet I feel as though this is just the stillness before the storm. The only sound to be heard is that of the branches crackling within the fire. The various creatures I see seem a bit disheartened. It is almost as though they have lost all hope.
Later I will stand before them, so that perhaps I may give them that hope they so desperately need. I can only hope to spark that flame within their souls. If I succeed, then perhaps it shall give them that strength they need to win this battle. It has become a fight of desperation, but with that strength perhaps we shall win.
I now carry on this battle for all of those that have lost their lives. Many of whom were my friends, one of whom was my love, and more then a few were my family. This is no longer about what is right or wrong, but about survival and vengeance. These now lost souls must be avengened, if for nothing more then the fact that they are no longer here to comfort us when we need it.
So many have died, to many to be accounted for. We no longer count the dead, the fact being that we can no longer handle it. Often there are more missing from our ranks than can be accounted for by counting our dead. I don't think there has ever been such a bloody battle as this, and hope that it shall not be repeated.
The dragons protrol the sky, the centaurs the land, and the mermaids the water. None of them could see what we were up against. None of us knew. Not even the great Cropear could see through their smokey sheild. No one, and I mean that literally, knew what they were hiding.
I have just been informed that the thing we have been protecting is the only chance that we have against the enemy. We must use it, or we shall all surely parish. The princess stands before us, telling us what we must do. It will be hard, but we haven't a choice.
We shall finally have the revenge we so longed for. The enemy will pay for what they have done. I should think that revenge will never taste so sweet as ours shall. . .
©2005 Pamela "Athilea" Johnson All Rights Reserved