[Azuri]: 541.Work In Progress

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2006-06-28 22:06:37
Homosexual transgender shapeshifter vampire dampeal love happines comic overcoming odds.
Title not chosen
short story
Free for reading
These are just the notes Ive taken down to help myself think. Im trying to work it into a acual story(down near the bottom it gets more storylike) Id like to know what you think of my idea. I have no name for this story but many ideas on how to weave it.


If you happen to not have a open mind, a problem with homosexuality, or gender bending...well then you probly SHOULD NOT read this. You have been warned, No flaming me if you disagree(morally) with this for one reason or another. All I wanna know is if I made it would you read it and any contructive crits(not on the writing style itself as i know it sucks hardcore after all its just notes) on the acual story.
Also dont think im too aweful weird for writting this, i swear Im not as crazy as you think XD

2006-06-28 RiddleRose: oh i like. one question: is it a coincidence that Nuriko is also the name of the crossdresser in Fushigi Yuugi? 

aside from that, i like it a lot. one thing i would suggest though. Nuriko is still male, even if he has spent a lot of time as a female. don't make him too much of a damsel in distress. my suggestion is to make him very male except for odd moments when he suddenly does or says something that most men would absolutely never do. for instance he might suddenly go all swoony over a pretty dress. that sort of thing. not only would that make it more amusing, but it also might make it harder for terri to work stuff out. more content? i dunno. i can see this being really good. i could also see a great manga coming from this... XD

2006-06-29 Azuri: Lol acually Ive had this character a long time and when I first created him I was COMPLETLY OBESSED with Fushigi Yuugi<3(i still havent seen the end >>)So I used the name and based the character on my friend Alex. I acually had planned on making him like that, hes acually suposta be the bolder of the two just right at the beginning there hes kinda girly ^_^(what with the remenicing of the children and all) Im glad you like the story and I hope I acually can get a manga going by writing out and planning the story ^_^

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