[Ethan Leon]: 613.'the taste of glory' and other poems

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-And other poems

Ethan Leon S

© 2006 – Ethan Leon S – all rights reserved –
Any unauthorized copy or reproduction of any material will be resulted in the immediate pursuit of legal action by Ethan Leon S.
All poems are the sole property of Ethan Leon S and are his original work-


1 - ‘A man’s Burden’

2 - ‘A pondering in the shade’

3 - ‘Dark dream cloud’

4 - ‘Digging in my mind’

5 - ‘Dreams that set me free (thoughts that wont let me be’

6 - ‘Drowning in Lavender’

7 - ‘Story and Clark (I forever)’

8 - ‘The Taste of Glory’

9 - ‘The bend of time’

10 –‘The colors of friendship’

11 – ‘The Irony’

12 – ‘The roots’

13 – ‘The sound in the distance’

14 – ‘The star of the human’

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‘A mans burden’
Ethan Leon S

A man may live, a man may die
To fight and own a land he loves
A man may love, and marry
A man ages, and if he is just and wise
He will live to see many kinds of people fall and rise

For three score and ten years he prayed
And hoped that God would give him more
No he prayed that God would spare him
Let him see another day, when men
Did not have to cry
And bury their children

A home to live, a bed to sleep
A chair were a man may weep
For the ones he loved so much
For the ones he hoped to have touched
For if he dies, in happiness
He hopes to be remembered,
Not always by the truth
But in things that he did in right

If they bury him, or scatter ashes
They can say they knew him to be better
Be better, to have been better.
If he can down with pride,
Or have to look up with regret
Don’t you think you could turn and look,
At this man with kindness
For the things you think he will receive
On account of his actions?

*  *  *

A pondering in the Shade
Ethan Leon S

The way he felt that day
Lying awake in the sand
And dancing in the waves
Feeling one with all her senses
All his love for her
Could not bring him back to reality
Trapped inside of the walls of sanity
All of the tortures of life
Could not bring him to live the day
Life took him away
To God in heavens and clouds

Him relives the momentum of truth
Shinning against the background of faith
Against all him taught to trust
All he was taught to believe
He cannot grind under her heel
The ways of men of late
The actions to why life took him away
He moves in rhythm with the tide that snares his mind away
From his problems
The sunsets he watches, bathed
In the rays of the setting sun
Are only the prolonged feeling
Of loneliness

*  *  *

‘Dark dream cloud’
Ethan Leon S

The darkness covered the streetlamps light
That shined around the bend
I lay in the grass, before the first light
And let the cool wind blow over me
The sky was full of stars ending and beginning

Some were landmarks, some still are
The sky is there to look at
When love can reject you
When the ones you love, reject you
Then you start to cry
The tears are dry and quick

Like painless venting of the problems, you face
Then as you look down, take breath
And re-open your eyes to look at yourself
You see it in the sky, a single cloud floating
Thin and wispy, left over from the day
It dances above me, puts me to sleep

I have the most beautiful dreams
I see uplifting, I see me, no rejection
I wake to see the sun rising,
And the outline of that wispy
Dream, unique cloud
That chose to flow over me, cleanse me

I have never been troubled in this way again
Because someone has been where I have lain
Confessing to the stars, what they wont to the ones they love
Under some thin dreamy cloud, set in beauty
That gives them the most orgasmic sensation
That will be shared over and over
As long as someone has to be comforted
Let it be

*  *  *

‘Digging in my Mind’
     Ethan Leon S

Digging in my mind
Just to pass the time, I unearthed some memory of you
I found it was precious and preserved and too valuable
To be discarded or sold to boredom

I found this memory interesting
And found my thoughts looking deeper
Into it every day
Till one day I grew older then it faded away

I searched for a reason since the day you passed away
To give up my life for a single thought of you
Just so maybe I can join you
In the afterlife too

When I woke to the sound
Of crying
I knew it was for me
Because I had ceased to be

Upon this earth I was no more
No more a human to be ignored
And now I search for traces of you
In the deep ocean of the afterlife

I climb into the dreams of those I knew
And kiss their dreams
So their memories of
me wont go away

Into the night I wander
To find a mind who can still
Think of you
I am damned and wasteful of my time

I realized that I never lost you
But got caught up in the world
Just like those
That I knew

*  *  *

Dreams that set me Free
(Thoughts that wont let me be)
Ethan Leon S

I turn when the times are tough
I climb into dreams
Slip into and between realities
I love to sing along
With the voices that echo an empty room

I turn when the times are tuff
I throw myself into the rain
I dream of you and only love
That can never come again

I have been to tall mountains
I have seen the pearls of the deepest sea
I have been to where the stars end
The twinkle of an eye
The urge that there are others
Who watch us from the clouds

I dream that I have been there
Madagascar, India, Peru
And all these things I hope for
I Dream of without you

*  *  *

“Drowning in lavender”
  Ethan Leon S

We swim to be cleansed, to climb and flee from all we know

Not weighed by the down by grief along with sorrow

We fly away from sin in the darkness of the cool night

Fear not bigotry cold and hatred brought on by the pinnacle of the moon

I swim not alone, but safely under passionate love of you

Feel the coolness of water deep and the soft whisper of the trees

Can you swim the boundary of the sky, the solemn end of the abyss

I feel them raining all about me, clusters of lavender in the wind

Spawned by the secret ponderings of lovers mad with envy

Let them surround us in praise of our wonderful sexual prime

As my frightful mind dissipates under the waters hailed by god

Let their beauty surround me as the light I sought to avoid

Climbs to replace the dusk, as to my body there is no trace

After I swam and drowned in the lavender ‘       

*  *  *

Story & Clark (I Forever)
Ethan Leon S

Days of spending times alone
In the house where
You are the only thing roaming
Staring at instruments of entertainment

A piano in the room
Old and worn, with ivory covered in tape
You begin to see the lives
Of the ones who sat where you do
The walls are no longer your own

But the beginning of some new era
Or old, Hell who can tell
Why we find such comfort
In stroking the past of blunder
Is a mystery to even me

I opened up the inside
Of the piano whose keys were worn
In the side it said Story & Clark-Chicago-1864
Old as men are to live and die
Yet still so young to time

When I die I want to have something
I can leave behind
I want the ones who hate the world they live
To have a way to a whole new one
Whether it be this piano
Or the past it brings behind

*  *  *

“The Taste of Glory”
Ethan Shepherd

I love the smell of the grass
At the peak of a fresh spring rain
The way the wind listens
To the faithful deep in prayer
I love the way the Sun feels
When the water evaporates
The taste of Dark love in my mouth

The way life’s kiss leaves me
The feeling I get, when she packs
And leaves me for the world
I love the sound of the waves
As I dive from the cliffs to kiss them

*  *  *

‘The Bend of Time’
Ethan Leon S

The hand of the loved
Reached out to the world
And to the years gone past
Millennium of the hearts creation
Torn apart
To reach and touch the fragile years
That you once lived moment to moment

The hand of the loved
Brushed against the tendons of time
Showing them to regroup
What once was empty was filled with you
And the dreams you once dreamt them to be for you

The hand of the loved
Reached out to the world
And to the years gone past
Millennium of the hearts creation
Torn apart
To reach and touch the fragile years
That you once lived moment to moment

The hand of the loved
Brushed against the tendons of time
Showing them to regroup
What once was empty was filled with you
And the dreams you once dreamt them to be for you

The hand of the loved
Reached out to the world
And to the years gone past
Millennium of the hearts creation
Torn apart
To reach and touch the fragile years
That you once lived moment to moment

The hand of the loved
Brushed against the tendons of time
Showing them to regroup
What once was empty was filled with you
And the dreams you once dreamt them to be for you

*  *  *

‘The colors of friendship’
Ethan Leon S

With the fall of the leaves, and the rise of the wind
Faces tainted with the memories of the past
As the rain of the fall pollutes the autumn ground
On which the bare feet of lovers of the past have tread in happiness
And the private loneliness of some were surpassed
And as I fold away my clothes, and photographs of me
And the ones who became my family
Secrets shared and kept in warmth while confused intercourse covered the joy
I have thought at the chance of composure and not running away
But left in search of the ones I would surpass in love

With the thought of the tears, abundant as the sea
And navy in color at the thought at losing me
And the silent looks between masculine and understanding eyes
I miss the one I speak of with the thought never gone

The colors of the ceiling violet and only noticed by the sound of the rain
Upon the roof
Questions linger in the air did the one I felt for ever return acknowledgement
Or will there be tragedy after the plane leaves the air of late
For that of the future flat of the city in which I will live

The sun will have its jeers at me and laugh with untold cruelty
Yellow is the color for you for you always believed in me
And told me never to run away from those who would be missed someday
The sky unknowing of just in deceit of the ones who did evil things
To buy the love of mortal beings with possession and hearts cold

With the idea of European coffees and Asian dreams
I sat and dreamed way to long
So I left before weary hopes and creativity left for the world without me
A green of the earth will await me
To remind me of nature and of all of you
That I sat around with and wished quarrels mended
For the time I still spent with you

Black for the death that would have sufficed
If I had not met all of you that kept me alive
And had been more than friends to me

The things that I said can never match
The things that I wanted to be to say and love
Although bigotry drove my conscience away
When the leaves fell for winter and God gave way for the wind
All the things that I knew blew away
And all of my hopes fell from memory
To never have felt the way I do
The tears must look pitiful although pointless to all of you
All the silence gave way to thought
In which I had second thoughts about leaving you
On the bed suitcase in hand
And bible on the side table in its place
Eager for the long awaited change
If I am the one who has altered lifestyles and relationships
Although Gods place is that

After the key had turned the lock
And the door shut for a time to be opened by new owners
It began to rain and wash away
The colors of friendship away
Which to this day I miss
And will always yearn to regain
If my face never faded from memory
Etched away by elemental and wrathful wind
Or washed away by waves of sorrow

Forever I will pray for you
Who stood beside me in times that traumatized the masses
Although the rain has washed away all the faces I knew
My blank face will somehow remember you

*  *  *

‘The Irony’
Ethan Leon S

The fly did do a dance around the clock
Till its hand spun round and round
Like the sun it so loathed
For with it no life was to be found

A fly did dance around a clock
That was broken on the ground
It danced its only day of life away
In awe of the simple machine

The fly listened close to the ticking
And thought faintly of a heart beating
The fly knew the machine was alive
As It was, and that it would be Broken someday

The fly did not sob as you would think
To reflect on its ageing
Did it waste its one day of life away
Or use it all the better

It lived to see and stare in awe
At an irony of the time
For as the clock lie broken on the ground
It drew in an audience that crowded round

A man sat and watched a fly
That with age had begun to falter
In its dance with time
In its dance with life

He looked and thought he saw humanity
Directed in the words he heard
Deep inside his mind
To close them out again he shouted and then died

A god then watched and laughed
In a fair world high up above
In a place where silver lined clouds
Were abundant and not scarce

*  *  *

The Roots
Ethan Leon S

If all you could do was evil
And travel away from the past
Could the roots go down deeper
All the way to your soul
With change has my heart
Withered with the last flowers on the pavement
Could my spirit strive to grow past the lies solid like the concrete of the roads of earth

Could all of my sins be washed away like the rains that drenched away signs of old life
Can all of the love you give me change the way I think
Can all of the love in my heart cure what I have done to you
With the roots that have gone down deeper, all the way to my soul

I have taken a walk through the emblems of the past
And not once have I not forgiven myself
For I found the streets to be worn
The most beautiful flowers showing through the cracks

*  *  *

The Sound in the distance
Ethan Leon S

When the rain beats down to harm you
And you turn around to pray
A bomb drops in the distance
And the people fade away
To ash to flesh to bone
All the lives incinerated
At the push of a button
The click of a mouse
Maybe it was better, when we had primitive weapons
A better way to settle , a primitive minded war
When the people lose their rights
With the sound of roaring applause and cheer
Is that how democracy dies
With wide approval

*  *  *

‘The star of the Human’
Ethan Leon S

My life had danced and frayed
Life a grass blade taunted by the wind
But all I had to say
Was for God to take me away

When my life had passed several turns
Of a dieing sun in vain
What did I say to summarize
The Events of my prolonged day

Had my Demons fought my angels
And driven them away
Or had my mind made them up
Just to give me the cold shake of Pain

That I had Felt only once before
When you had passed away
Like the Star
That grew so Hot and Dark

Was my life as that of yours
And only growing hotter and darker
Fading in color and Life
Only to implode in the End
*  *  *

All of these poems were written early on in the formation of my skill as a poet. As the beginning texts of my growing skill as poet, and every growing skill as a person, I hope that anyone who takes the time to read these, sees them as they are. Simply the beginning of other things, they are the innocence of my start-out as a poet, now I am corrupted just as is every other person who leaves their Innocence behind. We are all corrupt.

-Ethan Leon S

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2007-04-16 mousepoet: "Story and Clark," "The Taste of Glory," ‘The Irony’ are my favorites here. You are a wonderful poet.

2007-04-20 kumquat:
Excellent. :)
"The Irony", "Drowning In Lavender"
and "The Colours Of Friendship" are your best,
in my opinion. You most certainly have talent. :)


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