[Eyudo]: 725.Flames in The Full Moon: the entire book.Chapter 47: I do!

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Next morning, I got up and made breakfast. My mom and Sammie left a note saying they would be in town for the next week, so I was alone for the moment. Well, except for Derek. Derek and me alone in a huge house for a week, I think I could manage that. I smiled as I thought about all the stuff that could happen in that week.
Don’t jump to conclusion, I did spend a lot of time with him, but even now as I write this I smile as I think of what happen, but that’s just a bit later, you’ll see. We did spend a lot of time. Even a few times we kicked out the wolves.
I felt good, complete again, like nothing really was wrong. There really wasn’t anything wrong. Let me say now though that late is when I will reveal if the treatment worked or not and I relapse again. It might ruin what may come next otherwise.
Anyways, since the beginning, as you’ve seen, I was much more social and really naive about the truth. Ironic it was since I was in the R.U.M.O.R.S. club. But now it’s different. I figured out you can’t trust every one, but then again, some people you can. Like Derek and me for instance. I really trust him now after all the time I’ve had to get to really know him.
I was kind of mad when he made me pass out on the Friday of that week though. But that is just a little too far ahead, let me go back and explain that. This is the next piece of incredible dramatic events to come. You’ll love this one, I sure did.
It was that Friday morning and I woke up to a very scrumptious smell in the cabin. Derek wasn’t in bed with me so I figured he must have made a good breakfast for us that morning. I came down the stairs to see it all set out on the table.
We ate what he set out, and then decided to head out together for a little while. We went to the riverside near the falls. The falls had slowed due to the waters receding and drying up some. I had been over there only once before, but that was the time that I almost lost Midnight. It was a beautiful day, not too warm and no too bright either.
We sat near the falls and listened to the water together. After the while at the falls, we walked through the forest until we reached the tree top platform where I had met Kilala before. *Sigh* so many memories I had in these places. We ate lunch there. It was a gorgeous setting around us. Then we were on our way off again.
After a little while longer hanging out in the forest, the sun started to set and we wandered our way home slowly to have dinner. We entered the cabin and I laid back on the couch to rest. He was making dinner while I was relaxing. He made some noises in the kitchen; just enough to make the noise levels hearable, but it was all right. It only bothered me a little. Then he left for some time to get something I think. I nodded off a few minute after he was gone.
I woke up a little over an hour later when I heard the door open. I opened my eyes and looked back. It was just him. He looked back to me and was silent. He walked over to the couch and stared again. He grabbed my hand and helped me off the couch. Then I trailed outside with him.
I followed him way out to a section of the river I don’t think I had ever been to yet. It was darker then but still just enough light to see what he was trying to show me. It was different than the spot that morning, but just as great. There was a small table about seven feet from the rivers waters. It was set with the plates and utensils and folded napkins. They were delicately arranged on the table. And in the dead center of the table was a bright red candle burning as the centerpiece. It flickered in the slight breeze.
The plates held what he had been making in the kitchen before. It was our dinner there, veil steaks, corn from Kilala’s village, and two glasses of wine. He used a bottle of wine we had had in cellar in our old cabin. It was magical to say.
The sun was almost set when we sat down on the stools on either sides of the table. A wonderful dinner alone under the slowly sinking red sun. We watched it together. I was pretty sure he had planned all this though. It was a cool thing for him to do for us. Just one of the reasons I loved him. He was so thoughtful sometimes.
I thought the day was over when he carried me home on his back. But apparently he had one last thing to put out there. We got there but didn’t actually go inside yet. We sat up against the side of the cabin under the stars, and even cooler, we sat out under a full blue moon. We sat there and I let all my guard down.
Derek scooted over a little and reached into his pocket. He pulled something out of there, but I couldn’t see what it was. Then he showed it to me. It was a small, blue, fuzzy box. It was pretty, but hard to see really in the darkness. I was still confused as to what it was though. I didn’t know.
He pulled it back a little bit then opened it for me to see. I saw the shimmer and glinted in the moonlight. It was a ring. It had a gold band and the diamonds on the top. A bigger diamond was set in the middle and on each side was a smaller one.
“What’s this for?” I asked curiously. He smiled and said casually, “Will you marry me?” “Are you kidding?” I said skeptically. “No, I’m serious.” “Really?” “Yes.” he said. “Now way!” “I meant it Amber.” “You’re joking.” “No! I’m completely solemn.” “So you mean it?” “Would never kid on it girl.” “So you’re askin’ me then?” “One time offer, yes or no sweetie.” “Me of all people?” I asked. “Ok, this is getting old.” he said. “Sorry. So….me of everyone you could have?” He sighed. “Ok, let me say it again then: Amber, out of everyone I could ever have ever, will YOU marry me?” he said. I was sure by then.
“Aw! That’s so cool! YES!!! Of course I will! Why wouldn’t I?” I said. Then I pounced on him so we were to the ground and hugged him. I was really excited. I sounded like I was thirteen from the valley or something. I would never have to feel alone again. I stood up and tried the ring on. It fit fine, and I wasn’t going to wonder where we had the time to get it. 
I was so happy. I had a new family, I had a new home, I was hopefully cured, and I was getting married! Sounds like a happy ending huh? It kinda was, but then again, I had lost my dad and I was somewhat scarred from the burns. I had been through so much and dried up parts of my emotions. I had been through a lot, so didn’t I deserve it? I thought I did.
Besides, going to the forest long ago has made many other people happy too. There was Kilala, Derek, the whole Wulfin tribe, Midnight, and my own mother too. It was all worth it I think. I don’t really know yet…..
But let me say that Derek really threw me off when he did that. I even asked him if that’s why he made the day so special. He said yes, but he never expected a full and blue moon. Apparently it was better than he even tried to make to.
Even less with me would have been good enough, and the ring was really nice and looked really expensive too, but I guess prices shouldn’t matter when you really love someone.
Looking back, it was something I will always remember. Things we can never forget such as these. Just our fondest memories that will show up occasionally for all time. Things like this, and many we all have. We all have them, even if you will not say what you have locked in you, I can at least share min with you, just for the interest in it.
But still. The story isn’t over. There are just a few more things I know that happened that I must write about. So sit back and relax. The story has some more things to it. It’s all coming soon.

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