Venus flytraps
Me and my mom were out at a store and walked by the plant section. There on the shelves were giant Venus fly traps, about a foot tall each! The sign said they were only 4 $ and I really wanted on. So I counted my money out of my pocket there and was sad to see I only had 3.99$. I was disappointed. So I asked my mom and she decided to buy it for me since I was that little bit short on it. So I went and picked out the best one and happily put it in the cart. Then we went of to another section of the store.
Lizard on the ledge
I was on a high floor in a big skyscraper standing in a hall that had a lot of windows. I happen to look out one and see a lizard on the edge of the concrete edging. So I opened the lizard and carefully went out, trying not to fall off and die. I carefully grabbed him and scooted my foot over and climbed back through the window, having him safe now.
My friend and I were walking over a bridge that went over a river with a bit of forest on each side that was in the middle of the town. We got to the other side and jumped over the rail to the ground next to it and walked down the dirt hill to under the bridge. We hung out under there a while and then decided to leave. So we made our way back up to the bridge and back over the rail. We crossed the street and stood by the other side of the bridge. But suddenly a person mysterious poked his head up from the side and watched us from next to us, and then he emerged more and looked at us. We didn’t know who he was or anything. Then I woke.
Easily amused
I was in school in my study hall class and very bored with nothing to do. There was a bunch of us in there and we all were sitting at a big rectangular table. The teacher saw us bored and grabbed something and sat down at the table with us. She did something on the table then lifted her hands up above and set something on the table. It started to move around! It looked like a bigger sized beetle, but a closer looked it was just an electronic bug toy that can sense things in the way and get around them. We laugh and played as this pointless little toy amused us and got rid of the boredom, and then it accidentally fell off the table and broke. There went that I guess.
Cat basket homes
It was pouring rain very hard one day. I looked out my front window to see and saw a basket outside on the middle of the sidewalk in the rain. It had kittens I could see in it! So I rushed outside to go and bring them in. I got outside and a minute later it stopped raining. I moved the rag covering the front of the basket and looked inside. It was huge in there! There were seven kittens in it. It looked like there was an entire room in there, and it looked like I could had crawled in and fit and been able to stand. It had chairs, a couch, a light fixture or two. Then it had I saw a kitchen in the back and carpeting and stuff. It even had a working fire place in the back! And the kittens happily stayed in there. I though “they don’t need help. I’ll just leave them here then.” And then I went back in feeling stupid on what I just saw.
Hero for his heart
I was walking down the street near this store that was closed and decided to go in it since others were. It was dark out, but I didn’t think they were robbing it or anything. We just looked around in it at all the junk it held in the dark. Then most left accept this old man and me. We both went to leave and right after we made it out to the sidewalk he fell to the ground holding where his heart was. He was having a heart attack! So I frantically ran down the street trying ever unlit house there and no one answered. I went down the entire street and found no one to help me. So I ran back to him and rummaged his pockets and was able to find a cell phone! I dialed 911 and told them to come quick. They came minutes later while I was knelt beside him. They put him on a stretcher and put him in the back of the ambulance is the last thing that happened. The scene was a dark and evil looking one though, making me think.
Instant messagings’ instant love
I was talking to one of my female friends on an instant messaging service and we were taking on all sorts of things happily, and a lot we had in common in those categories too. Anyways, we talked for a while, then she started to get a little mean and aggressive at me and I wasn’t sure why. I hadn’t said anything to her. Then I asked Nikita what was the matter and she hesitated to tell me. She finally said her reason for it too me. Because she loved me, but of course was too afraid to tell me. And I was very happy about that and went to write an accepting message of her feelings to her, but I woke up first.