[squirrel1890]: 740.Discomfiture of ones heart

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2008-06-19 16:24:33
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Theres a inclation in your heart for that someone, but your not sure how to show the love you hope could be.
So much conviction in your heart and soul that you want to say something again, but will they truely be your friend? Frightned that if you show all of you, even to the person you really truely trust. will they understand or will they just say goodbye?
Things you want to say, but your not sure how to say. Especelly if the person you deeply care for is someone who you trust with all your heart, but will they understand what's coming from your heart?
So much discomfiture in your heart and in your mind, will they truely understand your competly secert side?
The utturance of your heart is saying to tell them the secerts of your heart, but your mind keeps telling you NO!
Really you want to say something to them because you don't want to keep anything from them for they are your friend.
Your not sure how to say the things of your heart to them. You know he will listen and try to understand, but your thinking "what if they hate me and were not friends again?"
Want to tell them, but your so scared to, it's the discomfiture of ones heart that keeps you silent until you know for sure...

2008-04-30 Eyudo: tell me who this is about, as if i dont have a gess.....

2008-05-05 Spirit: yes I agree with dream wolf, who is this about? THis is a good piece and I can relate. Ur scared to tell someone how u feel about them, because ur not sure how they will react. ur scared of rejection and surprise. so u hide the feelings in and hope no one will see them. That they will remain silent and still even though ur heart is screaming to reach out and tell them. I know the feeling of that, I really do.
Good stunning piece. n_n

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