[Angel In Red]: 799.The Red Quotes
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We're off to see the Wizard of Bog, the Wizard of Bog and dangnabbit Emu and Red will make him SOB!
We're off to see the Wizard of Bog, the Wizard of Bog and our red red shoes will kick him to...the erm...
....*tries to find a rhyming word* halp
Emma: nob?
Alia: Classy Emma, very classy. TT.TT
Emma: That's the only thing I could think of XD
Alia: Does Lin likes the poems?
Emma: I haven't asked... someone just got on my wick ... I'm not complaining at her XD
Alia: Someone just got on your wick?
Alia: ...
Alia: Excuse me?
Emma: Bugged me
Alia: Oh... I thought you grew a penis. >.>
Alia: Your dress looks like hurricane katrina humping a volcano, I'm not exactly sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing.
Alia: I suppose I could envy that, a little.
Kenny: I woulnd't doubt that you would.
Alia: Don't get overconfident.
Kenny: ...but... but it's all I've got...
Alia: .....Don't care. I'm evil remember and I barely know you, so even if you collapsed on the floor right now being gang raped by the soul of the Godfather itself... I so would just video it and sell it to your enemies.
Alia: ...You have enemies right?
Kenny: Everybody loves me unconditionall
Kenny: She's looking, she just doesn't know where to find me.
Alia: Under a pile of socks?
Kenny: Gross.
Alia: Seriously, do they give consent or do you just rape them?
Alia: Socks have rights you know.
Kenny: Most the time they jump ME actually.
Alia: No? *Gasp* It must be the stripy ones, they be whores.
Kenny: Hmm... I do rather like having toes...
Alia: You're probably one of them guys who sits and bites his toe-nails all day..
Alia: ...Disgusting Kenny, what's this feet fetish thing you have going for christs sake?!
Alia: First socks and now your own toes!
Alia: Stop raping your toes, your toes will take you to court!
Alia: The media would love this..oh meh god.
Kenny: Your extrapoliation skills are awesome too. You got all that from 'like having toes.'
Alia: It's a wonderful skill.
Alia: *sighs*
Alia: You need to spice up your life! Ooo.. I sounded like a Spice Girl, but that's beside the point!
Tyr: I like my life the way it is. Unless you can get me magical/supern
Alia: *shakes you by the shoulders* Tyr, you MUST realise you have a penis!
Alia: BE.A.MAN.
Tyr: Being a man means having a dick, not being one. And if it means being one, then I'd rather just be a 'guy' or a 'dude' or just plain Tyr.
Tyr: I'd show you a screeenshot... but you couldn't handle how cute Sarah and I are being.
Alia: ... *vomits*
Alia: Tyr.
Alia: I know it's hard to understand. But. You're a man. You can't be cute. You have to leer, be a jerk and grunt at everything she says.
Tyr: Why...?
Alia: Sit infront of a telly, yell like a caveman at the rugby game and drink lots of beer.
Tyr: Then you do it.
(So, you'd have to understand the situation here. Tyr reminded me of my household duties, my response was that I detested being a lame and tame household...du
Alia: Release my mind first, pig.
Tyr: Unswallow me, kitty.
Alia: Dun call me Kitty...
Alia: I'm no kitty cat...
Alia: I'm no KitKat!
Tyr: Then don't call me pig, I'm not a police officer.
(If I have to explain why this is amusing, you have no brains.)
[08:23] Tyr: Alrighty *hugs*
[08:23] Alia: I just got a double hug whammy. *hugs back*
[08:23] Tyr: Fun.
[08:24] Alia: One from Sarah at the same time. *yawns*
[08:24] Tyr: Coordination FTW. I mean... <.< we had no plans. Don't know what you're talking about.
[08:26] Alia: You get off on this shit don't you? XD
[08:26] Tyr: Eh?
[08:22] Sarah: *hugs*
[08:24] Alia: I just got a double hug whammy. *yawns and hugs*
[08:25] Sarah: oh good *smiles and hugs again*
[08:26] Alia: And Tyr gets off on this stuff.
[08:26] Sarah: eh?
(Let us all note that these two weirdo's are actually going out. I advise you to run before they decide to cuddle.)
Alia: The cat so got murdered by you two nine times didn't it?
Tyr: No. We love cats.
Tyr: It was the garden hose... that darned garden hose...
Tyr: Quoting that.
Tyr: Speaking of which, this gets you your own page.
Alia: *Claps hands* >_>
Tyr: Alia... you have no idea how filing works *pats* It's ok.
Alia: I have a qualification in admin! Of course I do! >_<
Tyr: Suuuuure. You keep telling yourself and your future employers that...
Alia: ...Tyr. Does you wants a big bash to your heaaaaad? :)
Tyr: Alia, do you own my quotes page?
Alia: *shakes head and sighs* I only wish.
Tyr Zalo Hawk: *nods* I know. We all do.
Alia: We? You DO own it. *grumbles*
Tyr: Oh... right.
Kenny: Fat only happens to bad people.
Alia: *watches as Hulk inserts fat into your body*
Kenny: My metabolisma can take it. *steals fat hose from Hulk and puts in mouth* Do your worst.
Alia: ..*sniggers*
Alia: You dun know how wrong that sounded.
Tyr: Ahh, wonderful... so they're complete assholes then...
(One must quote, when one such as Tyr swears. *nod nod*)
Alia: Down with the frozen peas!
Alia: In with the frozen juice!
Kenny: Hell to the yes!
Alia: Yes to the hell!
Alia: That sounded better in my head. I swear.
Kenny: Sorry, I forgot; both ways is fine with you. :p