There once was a princess, who went out for a walk. She told no one and the guards were very angry that they had to search for her. In this walk, she came across a beautiful stone garden with towering statues that looked very sad and every flower and petal was made of stone. Upon finding this garden, the princess found a man there who said his name was Petros. Then the guards came close and the princess went to meet them, but only after telling Petros that she would meet with him again soon.
However, this princess was to be married off, for she was growing too old to find a suitor. Every man she had turned away, for she said they did not love her. Nonetheless, on returning from the garden, she was introduced to Peter, the son of a very wealthy family that had earned their wealth through making statues and such out of stone.
The princess was sure that Peter was the same man that she had met in the garden, but when she asked this of Peter, he seemed angry and asked her not to call him by the name ‘Petros’. Still, the princess thought fondly of this Peter and supposed that he simply did not wish to be known as Petros.
As the days passed and Peter came to visit the princess even more so did the princess visit Petros, saying nothing of his life as Peter and while she was with Peter she said nothing of his life as Petros, for she feared it would anger a very kind man.
Nonetheless, as the days turned to months and the months turned to a year, the princess began to realize that Peter and Petros were not the same. She had grown to know both, thinking they were one in the same, but in knowing them, she realized that they were entirely different people. Because of this, the princess went to Petros, for he was the one she truly loved and not Peter, to ask him of what she was most certain. However, in going to Petros, she found almost his entire left side had turned to stone. She begged with Petros to tell her why this was happening and who Peter was, but he would not say, shouting at her for the first time.
If Petros wouldn’t tell her, the princess decided to talk to Peter, who told her everything. He told her that Petros was his brother, who his parents had abandoned in the forest. Peter was frightened however in finding that his brother had begun to turn to stone and could not answer the princess’s questions, saying only that she would have to talk to Petros, which was exactly what she was planning to do.
Determined to find her answers and tell Petros of her love for him, the princess rode back to the stone garden with Peter, but found it empty. All that was there had begun to wilt and die, as if the stone itself had been living and growing, but now, with out it’s keeper, was starting to die. The statues looked sick with hunger and there saddened faces looked even sadder now. The princess searched the garden and finally found one stone statue that she had never seen before. There stood a statue of the princess, smiling over all the other saddened statues, with a miserable figure of a man draped over the base, which had not been finished.
Petros had turned to stone before he had finished the statue. It was a grand image, more detailed than any she had ever seen, but the stone figure would not move and when the princess touched it pieces began to break off and she dared not touch it again. Peter tried to console the princess as she cried for the love she had lost before even telling her lover, but she could not be comforted.
I need an ending! Someone please help me with an ending!