[Sheri1969]'s blog

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Written about Monday 2008-08-04
Written: (5767 days ago)

When you least expect it is when God really opens the floodgates of Heaven and blesses you.
Last week, I was at a grocery store getting a few items for the coming weekend, and as I was packing up my bags, a lady I do not know came up to me, holding out a $5 bill, asking me if I needed $5. Totally shocked and taken aback, I said, "why, yes, thank you!" Still in awe, I looked at this lady in the line up, wondering if I knew her from somewhere. I didn't. When it came to her turn to put her groceries up, I offered her one of my recyclable bags and she politely refused as she had her own.
I wandered away from the grocery store still in awe of what had transpired. I knew my money was tight and it is going to get tighter because I have to get my cat neutered.
I sat on the bench, waiting for the bus to come along when a young man, in his early 20's, came along and asked for some change. I of course remembered the money the lady gave me and gave him half. I kept the rest for a load of laundry. This young man has asked of me since that day and I have refused, simply because I do not have it to give to him.
I was astounded by the generosity of the lady in the store. It might not have been a lot of money, but it was what I needed at the time. Best of all, I did not have to ask for it. God provided.
Last night I sat at my computer and listened to my CD, LORD OF THE DANCE. I love the CD and know the main song's lyrics. We sang it in church quite often when I was younger.
There is nothing like music without words to move the soul. I was quicly up on my feet, dancing away, with my arms waving in the air, laughing and smiling and praising God. I have never felt a high like that in my life. I was dizzy, laughing, tears were coming down my face, all out of joy for the love the Lord has for me, a lowly human, made from the dust of the earth.
That same night, I read in my devotion Bible, that God loves us - For Better or For Worse. In other words, it doesn't matter if we get mad and stomp our feet. It doesn't matter if we hurt Him in some way. Despite the fact we have and WILL hurt Him, He will continue to love us. Nothing we can do or say will make Him stop loving us.
When we commit our lives to the Lord, and ask Him to live in our hearts as our Friend and Savior, we are essentially marrying Him. We are saying, "for better or for worse, for richer or for poor, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others" but without the "till death do us part," because death cannot separate us from God.
The devotion suggested wearing a ring on the right hand ring finger to symbolize our love from God and our love Of God. I didn't have a ring, but I do a lot of crafts. I made a ring from wire, white pearl beads with a silver cross hilding 5 hearts on it, and a heart with 3 flowers in it. For me, the 3 flowers represent the Trinity and their love for us inside the heart. The cross had 5 hearts on it - one for the crown of thorns, one for each of the hands, one for the feet, one for the side and one for the broken heart! The two charms flop around a little and I am sure it will not be a permanent ring, but it does the job and makes me feel wonderful to feel it there and to see it. It will also be a wonderful witnessing tool when I am with the public again.
I am joyful that God does not give up on me regardless of how much I may get angry with Him or how much I may doubt Him. I'm honored that He cares enough to give me the money to do a load of laundry and yet have enough left over to help someone else in need.
It is when you least expect it that God is going to suprise you with love and bless you abundantly. It may not be financial, but it will be rewarding, nonetheless.
Never give up on God, because He never gives up on you. And even if you DO give up on Him, He will not give up on you. He is there...FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE.

Sheri Liegh Adams

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Written about Thursday 2008-03-27
Written: (5897 days ago)

I've not been here. In fact, I've not been to any of my writing areas lately. I had to put my 12 year old female cat down to sleep on Saturday March 22 of this year. I was numb. I think I still am. I miss her dearly as does Sammy, my 1 year old male kitten. He cries for her still. I can't cry...I'm too numb. She is better off. She was very ill, but I miss her terribly.
On the upside, I'm going to be leading a Creative Writing course at my local Canadian Mental Health Association for the clients of the REACH Centre. I've planned 16 weeks out so it should be a lot of fun. Perhaps that course will get me back in the swing of dancing with my pen.
Love to Felischia, who was 12 years in my life. I miss you.

Sheri Adams

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