People Thread: [4511]

Post nr: 4511
Thread: [4511]
Author: ~*Lonely Wanderer*~ Posted: (6695 days ago)
Subject: WC Ezine Help

Hey, I'm a newbie to forums *raises arms and screams don't shoot!!!!*

I'm here to ask that if anyone is at all and remotly interested in helping out with a writersco ezine called the "WC Ezine", than I'd like to know.

I will be running this thing from head to start. If you are interested, send me a message and I will direct you to a form and the most interesting, creative, knowledgable people will be helping me.

This is not a easy going project and I will work hard to make it the best ever!

My requirements are for someone creative, someone who can read the codes for this place, and someone who gets down to business when needed.


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