People Thread: [5209]

Post nr: 5209
Thread: [5209]
Author: dmeredith Posted: (6525 days ago)
Subject: Elf Town Contest

I know most of you are also on Elftown so I thought I'd let everyone know about a contest there about which you might have an interest. There is a fantasy prologue contest under "Writing Contests" in which you are to compose (or submit one you've already done) a fantasy genre novel prologue on a wiki page the link it to the contest page. Pretty standard. There is no word limit so I bet a bunch of you have stuff that would fit the bill already. I think I'm going to submit one as soon as I iron out some details with the contest sponsor. Anyway... I thought you'd want to know. I also think I'll put a similar announcement on the forums in Elftown ("Writing" and possibly also "Literature") to make things easier on folks. I hope some of you throw your hat in the ring!

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