Writersco Community Thread: [5769]

Post nr: 5769
Thread: [5769]
Author: Font (www.writersco.com - New website! Register now!) Posted: (5641 days ago)
Subject: WritersCo looks/Style and imagery

Is there anyone out there that would like to volunteer to help do some images for WritersCo, perhaps even help give it a bit of a make over and make it more welcoming?

Next in thread: [5771]

Post nr: 5771
Thread: [5769]
Author: Ash Posted: (5635 days ago) Previous in thread: 5769 by Font
Subject: WritersCo looks/Style and imagery

Wish I was good at this type of stuff or I'd help out. I do have suggestions if there's anyone willing to help out. We may have to recruit an artist from elftown.

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