[Zadius]'s blog

2251  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-12-26
Written: (4826 days ago)

Wow... So long since I've been on here. Amazed I remembered my number and password lol. So I guess being here indicates I want to write again, but what about? and when will I have the time? Blaze Ezlar John Hanley Rogers is almost a year old now, and twice the handful I was apparently! Oh dear son, what is daddy going to do?

PJR 26th December 2011.

2226  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-01-15
Written: (5171 days ago)

Wow, guess the new site kind of crashed and burned like a pheonix then eh? Nevermind, at least I'm semi-familiar with the layout of this version.... might have to start writing again soon, while I got some time off work waiting for my x-ray results. Then again, I should really be concentrating on getting everything ready for my baby boy... Just one month left now until he's due, can't wait =]

2198  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-06-22
Written: (5743 days ago)

Doubt I'll be on much for a while.... not going to explain but life's getting complicated again.

2196  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-06-17
Written: (5748 days ago)

I'd love to carry on writing right now, but I'm enthralled to Jeff Wayne's musical adaptation of The War Of The Worlds... I just love this album so much I can't concentrate haha... Oh well got to go change the vinyl, I'll probably write once the last one finishes. ^_^

2195  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-06-17
Written: (5749 days ago)

Hahaha, I've only just noticed something - no not that I'm not going to get to sleep until about half four in the morning, but that so far in "Greatswords" Ezlar (one of the main characters... well, so far the only one but just wait a couple of weeks and I'll have written in drake, finn, and rez) just seems to be constantly eating. I don't know, perhaps he'll find out later that he's got worms hehe...

2194  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-06-17
Written: (5749 days ago)

Haha, ok my writer's block is over, my scattered brain fragments have pieced themselves together long enough for me to spew another one of my rather crappy poems, as well as write another paragraph of "The Greatswords" ...I'd really like to slog through some of that at the moment actually, but right now I'm REALLY tired and I've still got to do my 45 minute set of weight reps before I go to bed. I think I'm going to have a quick coffee and cigarette break, and then see how I feel and maybe call it a night.

2193  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-06-16
Written: (5749 days ago)

This week just gets worse and worse... it's getting to the point where I may well start making houses out of matchsticks rather than writing ever again.

2190  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-06-15
Written: (5750 days ago)

Grr..... I must have writer's block or something, no matter whether I try and write a new book review, continue my current story, write a poem or even a limerick I can't get down more than half a sentence before it becomes apparent it's rubbish, and I'm not going to complete it. Maybe I should just get drunk and see what the hell happens as usual.

2183  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-05-27
Written: (5769 days ago)

Just Deleted The Version Of "The Syndicate" I Started Before I Last Got Jailed... I Really Wanted That To Be My Magnum Opus Or Something, But Then What's The Point In Having The First Work You Complete Being Your Best? Kind Of Defeats The Object Of Continuing To Write I Think. I'd Love To Put Some Of My Old Typewritten Stuff On Here, But My Ex Girlfriend Took It All From My House And I Haven't Spoken To Her Now For Almost Three Months So God Knows What She Did With It... Anyway I Know I've Previously Said I Couldn't Be Bothered With Writing Anymore, But My Probation Officer Reckons I Should Occupy My Time In Anyway I Can That I Enjoy To Help Prevent Me From Relapsing Into Further Offending So This Is One Of The Things I Intend To Use To Fill That Time, I Hope I Can Write Something New And Substantial That The Other Users Of This Site Can Enjoy. Well I Suppose I'd Better Get On With It, Adios Amigos.

2181  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-05-17
Written: (5779 days ago)

Back Out Of Jail, Really Can't Be Bothered With Writing This Time. Need To Sort My Life Out First...

2173  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-03-22
Written: (5836 days ago)

What the hell..? Why do I have messages in my inbox that I swear I couldn't have read because I was in Horfield, but are marked as read... I'm wondering if someone's hacked my computer or something really bad, or maybe the dates are wrong and I did read them and just don't remember... god knows.

2172  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-03-22
Written: (5836 days ago)

Right, lets grab a drink, have some supper and get on with it... haha night watch signing on I suppose... I love Sergei Lukyanenko's books actually ^_^

2170  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-03-21
Written: (5837 days ago)

I think I just got to an appropriate point to stop, so I'm having a break but I finally started typing up one of the stories I've written in the last five years. "The Syndicate" started as a short story for a piece of English coursework that never got handed in anyway, I dropped out of college in my second term lol. It ended up then at about 180 pages long, but then that was only rough draft and I ended it as soon as Shade entered the storyline... Damn him to hell. I may either leave him out of this version entirely, or otherwise have to extend and expand it so as to better explain his character... he is my favourite one I've ever created after all.

One other thing... I deleted my previous blog entry by adding this one, I don't know why but it always does. I certainly hope the same doesn't happen when I go to continue with my story... that would be rather soul destroying after the time I've spent typing so far. Anyway it's almost 6am here, I had better get some rest adios amigos.

 The logged in version 

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