[Morningstar Rising]: 113.THE DARKNESS

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2006-10-18 02:32:36
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I feel the world crumbling around me
Like quicksand under my feet
I slowly start to sink
My heart feels empty and hollow
My mind won't let me think
The darkness it surrounds me
Kissing me warmly on my cheek

My tears no longer fall
The well in me has dried
My lips no longer smile
My eyes no longer see
The words are locked inside me
Buried deep within my soul
Surrounded by the darkness
That threatens to swallow me whole

I stumble towards the light
Dragging myself with all my might
The darkness at my heels
Whispering secrets of delight
Begging me to run no more
To lay down by its side

I feel the world crumbling around me
Shaking me right to the core
Aided by this dark deep darkness
That consumes the air I breathe
Leaving me helpless, breathless, hopeless
Struggling to stay alive
As the days they past me by

Though I try not to remember
My dark past flashes over me
Filling me with such deep sorrow
That consumes my waking dreams
With heavy heart and aching soul
I reach out to the darkness
Embracing it forever more

Morningstar Rising

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