[battlefield]: 128.The Russian Terrorists Are Still After Me!

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The Russian Terrorists Are Still After Me!! (Part 2)

Written by: Jonathan Bayliss
Illustrations by: Paul Barnes


It has been a long time since I heard anything about the Russian spies. Allison, Jess, and Esther the princess of Russia have all moved away and I was beginning to feel safe once again. One day at school, I went to my locker to get something I forgot for my math class; the halls were empty and no one was in sight. As I came up to my locker, I saw something sticking out. My first thought was "Yay! More letters telling me I'm crazy for thinking that terrorists are after me" but when I opened it I found this letter with a map attached:

Jon, We are watching you! Well.... I am any ways. I have planted my special "listening" hair on you. Muhahahahahaha! Now I hear all! Soon, oh so very soon, the military will be dispatched! And we will capture you! Lock you in the dungeon! In addition, make you eat ice cream! YES! That is right! Lots and lots of ice cream! Muhahahahahaha!!! (Evil laughter!) PICKLES!! HAHAHA!!! Ice cream and pickles! You will be forced to eat them until it comes out your ears!! Yes Jon, this will all happen to you, as soon as we attack you. I seem to have noticed that you already know about your popcorn-smelling towel, a sloppy attempt by the militia. Of course our approach was much more subtle.

*NO! I'm not going to tell him it was the Russia cigars! What are you thinking! Leave me at once! You chalk board ledge! HA! Don't look so insulted. *
Ahem, on that note now that you are sweating with cold fear, I will say far well.
*What? Don't bother me! I'm writing a threat letter! Oh, I remember, yep okay I will. *
P.S Esther, princess of Russia Says hello!

Now this letter took me by surprise. Not only are the Russians still after me but also while I thought I was safe they have been spying on me. I now have no choice but to watch my back, and try once again to foil their plans. The next day of school went by slowly. I checked my back every few minutes in fear that they would be following me with whatever new scheme they had. However, to my surprise nothing happened. But, that was only half the day. I still had to D.J at the Wednesday night meeting for the youth. I arrived a little late; So, I had to set up fast, really fast. Moreover, that was when it happened. As soon as I had set up all the equipment a girl came up to me; at first, I thought nothing of it but then I remembered that I had to watch my back. I turned to her and stated "WHAT!"

Taken back with tears coming to her eyes she said "I'm sorry sir I... I... I only wanted to ask if you would play this song. We are practicing a dance." and she handed me a CD. I slowly took it with caution, after all this was what I was being paid to do. As I looked it over for hidden devices she said something that burned into my mind "There is nothing wrong with it; I got it from Allison." The only problem was Allison is one of them! But, I didn't want to lose my job so I consented to playing it and placed it into the mixer. This is when all emotion left her face for a second and she almost screamed, "You're my hero!" and ran away to tell all her friends so they could do their dance. But, it kept going though my head; Allison's CD and I remembered what the letter said. I then realized there wasn't anything on the CD it must be in the CD, but it was too late the music already took hold. As the music started to pulsate though the speaker only one thought went though my mind, I fell for it. As I hit the floor, this guy came up and said, "You hit the floor hard. Are you alright?" but I could not answer. Suddenly someone else appeared and said, "I'm your replacement you can just relax now." I didn't want to do what they wanted the somehow the music made me agree and do what they wanted. Sitting on the couch, the most horrible thing happened, girls surrounded me. At that moment I realized just how deep into the plot I was. They kept giving me candy and I had no choice but to take it, I had to pretend that I didn't know what was really going on. The candy must have been drugged though because as a flash of a camera flashed in my face and I heard "YAY a picture of my hero!" I passed out. When I woke up I was in a forest surrounded by monkeys, but they weren't just any monkeys they were of my purple monkey army. Then the map on the letter I found flashed into my mind. I checked my pocket for the map and there it was. I checked it over and found my section and the forest was labeled with a description saying that my monkey army I gathered while hiding in the forest in my previous encounter was here. I thought "how did they get them here" but that did not matter. The point was I had my army and now there was no way the Russian army and spies could stop me. And that is when I realized that there was something in the middle where we were supposed to meet. Cautiously I made my way to the meeting tree marked out on the map found the path leading up to it. As I entered the area, I saw Allison and another person in a dark gown hiding its face. The map said Jess owned the other section but I knew she had long since been removed from the plan. So, who was the replacement? Then it hit me, that new girl that called me hero, I thought the heavy Russian accent was a little off. It could not be anyone else; after all, she was working for Allison the night before. So casually I turned to Allison, "So with Jess gone this is your new head of military. How are you? Am I still your hero?" this must have hit home because she jumped up saying "yes you are still my hero but only because your stupidity got me this job. Before yesterday I was only a servant, but now thanks to you I am the leader of the Russian military." I did not like the smirk on her face but she was right I was stupid for falling for it. The only question was what her name was. As I sat there pondering all the new events I was interrupted by Allison saying, "This is all so nice to hear but pleasantries are over now; Come with me." But, instead of doing what they wanted, I ran. Most people say only wimps run when in trouble but I don't care! As I ran back to my area to gather my army I heard them yelling after me, "You think you are the only one with backup. We made this place; you can't escape. You will have to comply eventually"

At this time, I was wondering why I was running. The torture sounded really fun from the letter but I guess it was a normal reaction. Then it hit me! I will make a boat to get out of here. Looking around I found a tree. Now all I have to do is cut it in half and hollow it out. But with what tools was I supposed to do this? All I had was a dozen purple monkeys and a map. So I resorted to making a raft and getting the monkeys to hold it together for me, but how could I cut down the trees? At this moment, I gave up all hope for getting off the island and slowly made my way back to the meeting area.

Allison was waiting holding a dark blue velvet case. Intrigued with curiosity I said with the utmost bravery and courage "Don't hurt me!"

Puzzled Allison asked, "Are you ready to comply?"

I figured by now I might as well. There didn't seem to be any way out anyhow. "Okay" I said expecting to be ambushed by the Russian military.

But instead, Allison handed me the box and said, "Here, you left your glasses on the bus and we've been trying to give them back."

"WHAT!? I went through two years of hiding and fear for this!? Why didn't you just tell me in the first place!?" I was angry!

"Well." Allison casually remarked. "We're the Russian spies, what did you expect?"

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