Mr. Suicide’s Lies
Feb. 26th 2007
Copyright © Jennifer J. Radford
Pretty girl, why do you cry?
One more step and you’ll be able to fly.
The ground may seem far, but really it’s not.
Come on, this is your last shot.
They don’t love you and they don’t care.
Don’t you want the feeling of floating on air?
Don’t you trust me? I’ve been your friend this whole time.
Ever since you first dreamt of suicide.
What did you say, you’re having some doubts?
Oh, I see, now you’re going to back out.
No, you say? Then what’s this about?
You want proof that I’m really on your side, proof?
Well how about this, I got you to the roof!
They never helped you, they locked you away.
Here, in this hospital, is this where you want to stay?
I didn’t think so, now stop your crying!
You said you always wanted to feel like you were flying.
Now go on, one more step is all you need.
Better hurry, I hear them coming up the stairs at high speed.
They know what you’re going to do, and they never want you to have peace.
Go on, and I promise what you’re feeling will cease.
As you take the last step onto thin air,
The wind billows out your shirt and your hair.
And as you fall to your death, it seems like so motion.
I wasn’t on your side, whatever gave you that notion?
You gave me a struggle and fought me all the way,
But now, you won’t see the light of another day.
You land on the sidewalk with a sickening thud
The ground around you is slowly covered with your blood.
I set you free,
And now peaceful, you’ll finally be.