This one is almost a year old. It's about what I think love is. It is not a love poem, just...a statment! Yeah, good way to put it, it's a ryming statment.
nothing like it's supposed to be
nothing like it's advertised, commercialized
it's even better!
a complement, a hug,
appreciation, adoration, forever
they last,
ever and ever they hold fast
and strong, feel it, feel the song
The song of Love, touches your heart
feel the passion, the heat it gives
transcend from your problems.
Come with me, hear it, taste it,
Run it trough your mind, compare it,
I don't really care.
Just feel love and be happy
Feel life, appreciate it!
She gives you love, she gives you joy
Embrace it, eat it, enjoy.
Isn't triggered by a kiss, good looks
not that simple, not too complicated
it happens for a reason, a good reason
full of reasons, After many sights.
It is a flower blooming in a black road
a star appearing in the night
a rainbow in a cloudy day
a beautiful drawing in an empty paper
a complement in a day full of the opposite
company when in a shitty day.
Just sitting on the fresh grass, eyes closed
feeling the sun on your inside, the warmth,
of Love,
friendship, of Life.
Feeding upon the good in you, yourself
improving you, turning you into a godly elf.
Love equals happiness in life,
family love, friendly love,
relationship love.
You are surrounded by love, you just gotta notice it
embrace it and, just feel life flowing….