[Calliope]: 216.Musings.Pa
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You can’t run from your fears. You can’t run fro your problems. If you do where will you stand in life? Try the bottom of the ladder or the back of the line. People won’t stand by you, it’s not human nature. We’re all selfish, save on exception.
Picture this…
…All of your friends are just acquaintances. They call you “friend” as a cover up for the ways they will use you throughout your “friendship”. Only one true friend will appear in your whole life and they will arrive at your lowest moment. You cannot fake this moment just to summon your true friend, your feelings must be genuine and your rescue seemingly far off. Now, at this moment, they will come.
They may be a complete stranger or someone you even know but have never considered friend material before. They could be your worst enemy or even an ex “friend” but it doesn’t matter because they will be there for you. They will come unsuspectingly taking your hand by surprise. You will push them away against your instincts, since, in your view, their questions are only a source of gossip. A new fountain of entertainment for their acquaintances. Unfortunately, or fortunately, they will not be subdued.
You will fight them. It may take days, weeks, months or years for a break through but when it occurs you will both evolve into better people. Why, you will ask but the answer is simple. For this note says that everyone will find their true friend, even you’re savior. Strictly speaking, this means that you will both be at your lowest moments and will help each other reach that flickering light at the end of the tunnel. You will grow together, live together, become one in a manner of speaking. You could be two ladies and confide in each other about everything or you could be to men and the best of buds that do everything together. These two options both sound enormously appealing but the last option is even better.
This is the fairy tale friendship where you will support each other with such a passion as to die for the true friend you’ve fallen in love with. This is the friendship between a man and a woman. It will blossom like a flower and consume all your other feelings like a raging river until you become numb with it. You may lose your mind and become akin to the walking dead if you are apart for too long but together you are invincible. It may take longer to form such a bond but it is worth the wait for now you are complete in mind, spirit and heart. At the peak of your perfection, acquiring no faults and requiring no assistance from anyone with the exception of your soul mate.
© Angie O'Connor