[Calliope]: 216.Poems.One Night

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2006-11-18 10:30:34
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One Night

What's the draw
Of All Hallow's Eve?
To collect the most candy,
To invoke the most screams?

These might be the main reasons
For the majority of you,
As you dress yourselves up,
Oblivious to any clue.

But what about them,
The other's you deny?
They're still about,
Lurking in the pitch black, night sky.

They're the reason
You get chill ridden skin,
For on this one night
The veil's thinnest of thin.

They prey on your innocence,
Catching you unaware.
Possessing your souls
While you're to busy to prepare.

We're the peasants of the darkness.
We're convertors of the belligerent.
By disregarding our existance,
You're embracing being ignorant.

Hide behind your costumes,
Cower at masquerades.
Halloween is our One Night,
Our goal; Sending you to the grave.

*Note* Some of you may recognize this poem from the ET Halloween Poety contest but I assure you, it is mine, I just finally posted it here :)

© Angie O’Connor

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