[Nell]: 226.NWW.Characterization

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2007-01-03 22:33:09
Characterization - Flipside Workshop
Flipside Characterization List


1. Choose a gender.

2. Choose a place of birth.
Ottowa, Ontario.

3. Choose a hobby.

4. Choose a past job.

5. Choose a present job.

6. Choose a past love interest.

7. Choose an enemy.

8. Why is your character not working at the old job?
Company died.

9. Why is your character not with the old love interest?
She's a bitch.

10. Why does your character not make the hobby a profession?
It wouldn't pay well, and he wouldn't enjoy it anymore.

11. How did your character make the enemy?
By having Emily's previous boyfriend fall in love with him, and for dumping her.

12. What is the one thing in the world your character would do anything to avoid? Why? What has he already done to avoid this? What do you see him doing in the future to avoid it?
Being like his mother. Become an Engineer and an Accountant. Wriggling like a fish.

13. What is the one thing in the world your character would do anything in the world to have? Why? What has he already done to try to obtain it? What does he hope to try in the future?
Have someone who loves him and he loves completely. He wants to need someone. Got with Emily. Find another girl.

14. Where did they grow up?
Kitsilano, B.C. From his early to late teenage years.

15. Where do they live now?
Ottowa, Ontario.

16. How do they vote, or don't they bother (if they are old enough)?

17. How many siblings do they have - any older, any younger?
No siblings.

18. Are their parents still alive?
Dad: no. Mom: yes.

19. What do/did their parents do?
Dad: Engineer. Mom: artist.

20. Where did they go to school, and what was their favorite subject?
Kitsilano Secondary School: Math and unwillingly art.

21. Who was their best friend, and have they kept in touch?
David Bigby, yes.

22. Who was their favorite relative, and why?
Dad: because he was a brilliant, inventive man (in his opinion).

23. Do they/did they get on with their parents?
Dad: yes, mostly. Mom: not really, is scared of her.

24. What is their favorite food, and what would they never eat for all the tea in China?
Fried chicken, lobster, respectively.

25. Favorite drink?
Cola and beer. Together.

26. Favorite color?

27. Regional accent?
Canadian West Coast, with a few marbles in his mouth from trying to speak french.

28. What do they do for a living - and what is their dream job?
Accounting. Engineering.

29. Do they have a partner, and if so, how did they meet?

30. What is the closest they have ever come to dying?
Getting wasted with college buddies in a bad area, getting in a fight, and then driving with a drunk. That and when he left Emily and she…reacted badly.

31. How do they spend their weekends?
Walking around, drinking beer, watching tv, hanging out with friends, going to a couple of cultural things.

32. What are their tastes - and would they be different if they had unlimited money to spend?
Minimalist with a creative flair, and no, probably not. But his house might have a few more pieces of art.

33. What is the name of your character?
Andrew Millings.

The Physical:

1. How tall are they? 5ft 7in

2. How old, precisely? 23, today's his birthday.

3. What color is their hair - and is it natural?
Light brown, and yes.

4. Eyes – color, size, sunken, protuberant, heavy lidded?
Blue, large, protuberant, dark circles under eyes.

5. Skin color?
Pale white with rose flush.

6. What do they like to wear?
Boxer shorts, sweatshirts over dress shirts, ragged jeans.

7. Picture them walking down a street - how do they move?
With hands in pockets, looking ahead, slowly, casually, but knows where he's going (or at least looks like it).

8. Give them an outstanding feature - something that will always identify them: a birthmark, a scar, big ears, a big nose or small feet – the first thing somebody would notice when they saw them.
Big feet and clunky shoes.

9. Something they would never go out without – the more unusual you make this, the more your character will take shape. Do they always have a backpack? Do they carry a snapshot of an old lover? Would they rather be caught dead than not have a clean handkerchief in their bag?
Driver's License, because he doesn't want to be mistaken for someone else if he dies.

Three lines:

He strode purposefully past me, though he had a look in his eye that said he was actually very far away right now, and his hands were thrust casually into his pockets. The misty greyness that surrounded him clung to the dull, navy-coloured sweatshirt he had on, and a ragged hole in one knee of his jeans made me want to slap a patch over it, or run my finger around it, I don't know which. With his brown hair, and bangs swept back to reveal large blue eyes, I felt I could forget about his huge feet and those clunky shoes he always wore.

2006-09-11 Nell: For the Building Believable Characters Workshop Part 1 on Flipside. Part One: The Basics

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