[Nell]: 226.NWW.Perception

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2006-09-11 05:27:51
Perception - Flipside Workshop
The Deeper Personality List:

1. A childhood accident which has left them with a fear.
He asked his mom to stop.

2. Their pet peeve.
Fake people, people who pretend to be something they're not.

3. Something they do really well.
Building things and painting.

4. Something they do really badly.
Large social situations.

5. Something in their past they wish they hadn't done - and why.
Gotten together with Emily, because she has a vendetta against him and makes his life miserable.

6. A recurring nightmare.
Memories of what his mother did to him.

7. A fantasy.
A girl with long, blond hair and open arms and a big smile for him.

8. The one thing they would change about themselves, if they could.
The way he runs from things and doesn't like to face things.

9. The worst and best moment of their life so far.
Moments with his mother. Moments with his father.

10. How would they react if a stranger offered them a lift?
Smile kindly and shake his head, he would prefer to walk.

11. How would they react if they saw a child, crying and alone?
He would feel sad, but be too frightened to approach the child.

12. How would they react if they found a purse full of large denomination notes?
He wouldn't bother picking it up, if he did, he might hand it in to the police. That or it would sit on his shelf and make him feel guilty. He wouldn't use the money unless of an emergency.

13. Think about introducing your character to someone you know at a party – what single sentence would you use to tell someone about them?
This is Andrew! He's shy, but you'll love him, I just know it!

14. Write down everything you can think of about your character that has not been mentioned in either list.
Mother was sexually abusive. He is frightened of children, and is edgy around the police. He's good at painting and loves art, but he hates to be anything like his mother so he pretends he doesn't like it. He's friendly, but does not gather many friends, except for David, who knows about his past. He wants to be someone, and is afraid he wont be remembered, but he's not willing to do what it takes to be that someone.

2006-09-11 Nell: For the Building Believable Characters Workshop Part 2 on Flipside. Part Two: Creating Depth

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