[Chie]: 227.Short storiesRating: 0.00 Uploaded by: ChieCreated: 2005-11-22 19:44:09Previous:[Chie]: 227."Poetry"Up:[Chie]: 227 (Top Index)Next:[Chie]: 227.Random storiesContent:[Chie]: 227.Short stories.Sarketh's follower [Chie]: 227.Short stories.Stars are lit in the darkness [Chie]: 227.Short stories.In a skin of a wolf [Chie]: 227.Short stories.LPC-entry: Never againKeywords: Style:short storyYeahh.. o.O; I don't usually write short stories.. And, ehh, even writing a SHORT story is kinda hard for me. Dunno why. >.<;
[Chie]: 227."Poetry"
[Chie]: 227.Random stories
[Chie]: 227.Short stories.Sarketh's follower
[Chie]: 227.Short stories.Stars are lit in the darkness
[Chie]: 227.Short stories.In a skin of a wolf
[Chie]: 227.Short stories.LPC-entry: Never again