[Eloura]: 341.Five Word contest.Five word contest-April

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2007-04-05 19:20:39
five words contest. kitten
This is another atempt of me writting something...

Tis a wonderful, wonderful gift. One I carry with great pride. The gift the gift to purr that is, is a gift I’ll never let die! Purring is a way of life, as is giving you a kiss. I love to give kisses to those I love. The are most lovely kisses great and strong to soft and gentle. I give cute little kisses that will thaw your ever lasting eternal soul. I will give you kisses, and always purr, till the day I pass away. I am but a cute little kitten, and I love you.

2007-04-05 Jenna Rose: This is cute and good ^^
But just to let you know... The 5 words need to be in bold and you can't use the words out of the tense they're in... So "kiss" has to stay "kiss", not "kisses" :\

2007-04-05 Eloura: Ohhhhhh ok i'll go fix it!!!

2007-04-05 Eloura: Bye the way THANK YOU!!!!!!

2007-04-05 Eloura: Ok, i hadn't realised it had done that to me... I had it all bolded be for..

2007-04-05 Jenna Rose: You're welcome ^__^ And it IS very cute.

2007-04-05 Eloura: THANK YOU!!! :::^_^::: Well i tried, i mean it's not great, and not horrid, but not my best either....

2007-04-29 Morningstar Rising: Oh I love this one, I love kittie cats. LOL

2007-05-10 Eloura: Why thank you!

2007-05-13 Morningstar Rising: you're welcome

2007-05-25 Eloura: Again thank you!

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