[Eloura]: 341.Poems.Wint
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Wintery Death
I stand there
in the frozen snow
a broken bleeding heart
in the palm of my hand
I would never
let you know
how much you hurt me
so deep in side
When you torn my heart out
I thought i'd survive
i am here
but now only in memory
Your grip was to strong
it broke me in two
i no longer await
for you
I lay instead
in a grave
filled with my pain and sorrow
constantly floating
all around
I promised you i would trie
but the pain of what i though was true love
soon turned into the pain
of a broken heart
I may not understand
and maybe you don't either
but this day
that we spoke so ruffly
is over
as we are
In this grave
you call it life
i call it death
You had brought me
so far through it
but now you leave me
here to rot in the darkness
of my own crypt
May you pray for you own soul
for it won't last long
for where the both of us will go