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Judas betrays Jesus
Taken into custody
Satan scores and hisses.
In the courtyard Jesus stands
Accusations rise,
Jesus stands there not a word
And Satan scores and lies.
Sent to Pilate to be judged
Silent stands the Lord
Satan dances, laughs and boasts
For once again he scores.
Hand bound tightly to a post
Jesus shrieks in pain
Satan is rejoicing
For another point He gains.
Refusing to defend Himself
The crowd shouts “Crucify!”
Satan rolls on the floor
Laughing loud and high.
Three separate wounds a hammer makes
In two hands and the feet
Satan now rejoices
For God he’ll soon defeat.
Jesus, with His final breath
Completes the task at hand
One last breath and Jesus died
Proudly Satan stands.
The score is 7-0
With Satan in the lead
The suddenly the whole earth shakes
As Jesus rises free.
Jesus turns to Satan
As Satan cowers in fear
As Jesus plainly states
“I’m alive, you lose, I’m here.”
“By the stripes upon my back
People will be healed!
And through the sorrow that I bore
Their joy will be revealed.”
“The wounds upon my hands and feet
Will set the people free
If only they will take a step
Salvation lies in Me.”
“And now you low-life, Satan
I am going to rise,
And sooner than you want to think
You’ll face your doomed demise.”
“For I am the Way, the Truth, the Life
The battle has been won
You have lost, no more to try
For I am God’s Holy Son.”
The score is Satan nothing
And Jesus everything
It’s over, done, it’s final
And Jesus Christ is King!