[Child of God]: 416.A Writing Competition - Contest.Budaal
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“Budaalii likes man-flesh, thinly sliced. Boiled first with chicken then roasted with onions.”
While still debating whether to laugh or pinch myself, a washtub set before me interrupted my thoughts. Wondering what could possibly be next, I peered at the brownish liquid within the tub, almost humorously, and looked back to the pink, fish-like figure. Built with the figure of a football player, it almost pass as human were it not for the green skin tone and blue fish-like head.
“Marinate yourself for three days, then you be ready for cooking.” Its voice gurgled as the creature turned for the exit.
“Marinate myself?” I repeated in disbelief. “Marinate myself?! I’m not going anywhere near that nasty stuff ! I’m not even a man! And just who is ‘Budaalii?! Hey! Are you listing to me Fish Freak?! Hey!!” The heavy wood door shout out my angry yells, the stone which had been used by the creature hung beside the now sealed-off exit.
Letting out an angry cry, I grabbed the handled of the tub, carried (or rather, dragged) it over to the door. “Go marinate yourself!”
Looking around, I noticed a carving on the green ceiling of a fish. The carving was extremely large, depicting what looked like a cross between a piranha and a trout, alien symbols appearing underneath it. Grabbing the rock hanging beside the door I held it to one eye. In the other, I could now read the symbols which read, “All Hail Budaalii, Lord and Creator of all Bushwala.”
I dropped the rock in disbelief. “I’m about to be sacrificed to a fish!?” Sitting down hard on the overturned tub, I looked up toward the heavens. “God, if you get me out of this one I swear I’ll become a vegetarian.”