[w c 2525]: 454.Vampire View

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2006-10-09 16:11:23
vampires, childhood, fun, sarcasm
short story
Free for reading
Vampire View
Current mood: cold

It's strange. So many people find it wierd that vampires could be real. That makes no sense to me. I have a part of me that for some reason harbors a great love of vampires. My entire life I have loved them and ever since I could think about it, I've always wanted to be a vampire. I admit to having been in situatios of fear from vampiric type things but those occasions were not on topic.

Since I was a child I've worn black clothes and black nail polish. I didn't do to many normal things. During school I would quietly go and do my work, during recess I woul get bullied and knocked down-untill I finally decided...It truly was my destiny to become a vampire.

After the seven hundred thousandth time of being hit, shoved, and locked in things, I started to fight back. I started to bite, punch and kick my way out of things. I used my non-existent fangs (or more the ones I wished I had) to puncture the arms and hands of anyone who crossed me.

After 5th grade I started to stop biting and just concentrated on punching and jabbing. This was mostly because my teeth were starting to feel wierd and I had been infected with god knows how many viruses from the morons I had bitten. During sixth, seventh and eighth grade I made a grand total of one friend. She was kind enough, but unfortunetly never realized why I was so heavily involved in vampires. During that short time both our rooms developed; her's into a vuluptrous pink and red diva pad, mine into a cloaked black medieval torture chamber, equipped with all the necessities of life, vampire movies, vampire books, vampire games, my journal, and my electronics. (including tv, phone, stereo, and computer)

Shortly following our realization that we were not even close to developing into the same person. My one friend left. She just left. No goodbyes, no nothing, my one true friend throughout my middle school years had just walked away. That's when it all went downhill.

Close to the beginning of my 8th grade year I was committed to a cozy corner stone rehabilitation clinic... in short, a loony bin.

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