[PhoenixV]: 638.Hidden Design.Little Hate Child of Mine
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To build up in side of you.
Destructive force...
Waiting to explode within...
Killing from the inside
Eating away at your...soul.
Look at your disease...
Look at your disease...
Infectious hate spreading throughout your body...
With all power at my fingertips
Such control I have with such little effort...
Deadly havok I could wreak upon your emotions,
But yet I save you the suffering out of my volition.
Look at your disease...
I control the rate of growth...
I control your emotions...
You are so small and fragile,
with the facade of a tough bitch...
I laugh at your futile attempts...to be tough.
It is comical...like
It only gets funnier as time goes on...
You are...so hopeless