[Tyr Zalo Hawk]: 712.Characters.Tyr.Angelicism

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2009-01-02 23:36:19
Tyr Hawk - "Wandering Grey"
General Prose
Free for reading
Name: Tyr Hawk
Age: 18, give or take a resurrection.
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 145 lbs
Hair: Mid-back length, thick, silver. Often hangs about face and over shoulders. Decribed once as 'pretty freaking sweet.'
Eyes: Light, brilliantly effervescent, and emerald green. Almondesque, "averagely" spaced.
Skin: Lightly tanned, like that of a traveler who keeps to the shade, or someone who just doesn't tan too well.
Other Body Specs: Slim, medium muscle build. Slightly elongated legs, fingers, and arms, but really just barely. Thin-faced, medium sized forehead, rounded chin, slightly pointed nose and ears. A pair of concealable 6 foot long, white, feathered wings protruding from the back of the shoulder area.
Typical - Loose cloth pants and short-sleeved t-shirts (or something close to a t-shirt) of varying colors, but tending to fall into the black, white, grey, and dark blue categories. No shoes. Even less gloves.
Optional - Midnight black cloak with silver lining.
Additional Outfit - A silver lined 'Shinigami' outfit (You know...from Bleach). Complete with Tyr's Emblem stitched in blazing silver across the back.
Occupation: Traveling Warrior
Primary Weapon: Twin Katana. Reakon and Nokaer. 30" in length.
Secondary Weapon: Magic - Lunar (Healing, Blasts, Enhancement)
Secondary Weapon: Hand-to-Hand - Self Taught. Specializes in rapid attacks, counters, and deflections rather than blocks.
History: Coming soon to a theater near you!
Personality: Sort of your typical hero-type. A quiet, kind-hearted, determined warrior whose beliefs are held above everything else. He's the kind of guy who dislikes fighting and confrontations as a general rule, but will not hesitate to act when necessary. Quick-witted and jovial, he does what he can to make people laugh, smile, and enjoy themselves in peaceful situations. During more serious interludes, his clever tongue and indestructible belief in honor take control against whatever opponent he may face. A romantic by nature, but a battle-worn traveler by necessity, Tyr is the sort of person who is often a complete mystery to everyone, no matter how much anyone may think they know about him. He ponders questions most think have no answer, attempts the impossible whenever he can, and follows his own path, no matter what the consquences may be for doing so. Surprisingly intelligent, he's an excellent and gifted student who has picked up a variety of life lessons, a field which he is constantly advancing his knowledge in. Wise beyond his apparent years, and allowed the opportunity to use his wisdom for the benefit of himself and others, Tyr does the hero thing pretty well, even if it is a bit 'cliche' to some people.

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