[Tyr Zalo Hawk]: 712.The Tyr Files.ERAU QSSI DRLO WEHT

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2009-06-10 15:39:42
Take a look around, do you know what's real?
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While I’m not sure exactly what that phrase makes you think of, or how it makes you feel, I know that it does bring out strong emotions in me. Not only is it tied to some pretty fond childhood memories, but also a plethora of smaller thoughts about grander ideas on life in general. It might just be a 4 word phrase, but that doesn’t make it any less thought provoking.
To all of those who have ever played Final Fantasy 6 (originally released as FF3 for the SNES in North America), and who ever got anywhere in the game, you should know where this phrase comes from, and what it means already. The phrase ‘…and so is Siegfried’ should even make it funnier to recall. At any rate, this phrase is one of the few which I can truly remember out of the game because it gave me so much trouble, it made me think, it forced me out of my comfort zone. It was well worth it, at the age of 6(ish) to be able to figure it out and then be justly rewarded for my efforts, and so it stuck. (The other scene that’s most vivid is, of course, the Opera Scene, which I can still remember 80% of the words to, even though I haven’t seen that scene for a good many years now.) At any rate, I loved that game, the characters, the storyline, the battle system (as typical as it was) and everything else about it. It was an amazing game (unlike 89% of the games I see being released today), and I’m not sure if mankind will ever be able to beat it. But, this isn’t a gaming rant (I think I’ll do one later), so that’s all I’ll say about it for now.
Otherwise, the phrase is one that, as I said before, makes me think. It makes me think about reality and the questions lying therein. What is real, and what is not? We know, or imagine we know, many different things about the world and what’s in it, out of it, around it, through it, etc. But what do we truly know about reality? How do we know that blue is the same for everyone? “Duh. If it wasn’t, people wouldn’t recognize it.” True enough, true enough, but let’s think of it in another way. The sky is blue. True enough on most days, so we’ll use it as an example. The sky is what we call ‘blue’, scientists have proven it, billions of people agree, so where’s the argument? What if, just possibly, the color I see for blue, and the color you see for blue are different? The combinations don’t change, the colors themselves don’t truly change because, as far as we know, everyone sees the same colors, right? So blue is blue, even if not everyone sees it in the same way.
Do you follow me? Probably not, but I’m not totally trying to get you to.
At any rate, if reality is subjective (able to change from one view to another, as opposed to objective) then the limits of reality can be assumed to not exist. Schizophrenics, while we believe them to see and hear things that aren’t there, are simply experiencing their own reality in which these things do exist. In our realities, they do not, but, as I said, we’re not all the same in the end.
So, the question we must ask is where does reality lie? With the group? With the individual? With God? The possibility for answers is as limitless as the single reality I have introduced for you.
No matter the argument presented for either side, I doubt I’ll even be able to truly decide on what I believe reality truly is. Perhaps now, neither will you.

The world is square, and so is Siegfried.

*dances off singing* Oh, my hero… So far away now... *fades into the distance*

© Tyr Hawkaluk (2004-Present)

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