[Eyudo]: 725.Flames in The Full Moon: the entire book.Chapter 27: What happnend and where am I?

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I did wake up, which I was surprised about. I thought the blow to the back of the head would’ve killed me. I knew some one had to be watching over me. I was happy to be living, but pissed because I couldn’t move from the pain. I had suffered so much of it already.
I lay there with my eyes still shut. Then they slowly slid open and broke the bond that kept them closed. I looked around and the first thing I noticed was that I didn’t have any clothes on! But I was relieved to at least be covered by some sort of blanket. The second thing I noticed was I was in a canvas or straw hut of some sort, with sturdy wooden rods for support. The canvassed area was light tan, almost white! In the single room, there was a pile of wood, spices, a hand-made dream catcher, and of course, the straw cot I was on. 
It was warm in there, until a breeze came through the opening flap. It was Kilala. She must have brought me back after the accident. “How are your wounds now Amber?” she asked. “I…I don’t know, were they bad when you tended to them?” I asked back. “They were much bad. It takes whiles for them to heal. You may stay with us if you would like. We have plenty of food and plenty room too.” She said. “Thank you so much for your kindness, and I’m grateful for you saving me, but I really have to get home to my…………….WAIT! Where’s the wolf that attacked me?!? Did you kill him? Please tell me you didn’t kill him!” I frantically said.
I thought the wolf might have been Midnight. “No. We are not allowed to kill wolves unless we have to. Why do you care a great much?” she asked. “Because he is my pet and my best friend!” I said. “You keep wolf as pet and he doesn’t kill you or run away?” she asked. “Yes,” I started, “I saved him from a bear when he was a pup and I’ve had him ever since then.” I told her.
“Wow,” she said, “to us in our tribe that means you are on a higher spiritual level than a lot of us! We all will welcome you completely.” “Thank you, but I need to find him still!” I said.
Then I yelled as loud as my weak lungs could. “Midnight! Come!” I waited a minute or two until he came through the flap wagging his tail and his tongue swinging around as it hung out of his mouth. Kilala went into a position to defend herself. “Relax Kilala. This is my wolf. He won’t hurt you. In fact, he probably thought he was just playing around when he got me last night.” I told her. She right away stood up right and, well, relaxed.
Midnight came over and nudged my hand and then proceeded to lick it as like to apologize. I scratched his head and he lay down by the bedside. “So where am I?” I asked Kilala in a stronger voice while I petted Midnight. “You’re not much further than you were earlier. Just a little north of here. This is the Wulfin tribe village. Wulfin means ’people of the land and wolves’. We love it here, but we’ve actually never had visitor before. So, it is a beautiful place. We live here many years, and we plan to stay. I hope you stay too in the forest. Are you a city goer?” she asked in the end with curiosity and fascination.
“Well, sorta. I use to live in the city until some stuff happened. Then I moved here. But you probably don‘t want to here about it.” I said. “Oh no! Please do go on Amber.” she insisted. I was so glad to see some one really wanted to here about my problems.
“Well, I use to go to Tyles high school, but then a rumor hit and just changed everything for me. After that……..” I just lay there in that cot and told it all. I told everything from the rumor, to Derek, to the ritual, to the wolves and eagles and cabin, and the note, till now with the trees and her. I was really glad to have my new friend and be where I was then.  

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