[Mister Saint]: 79.Contest Entries.This Venus Me

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2006-10-27 04:11:09
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For [Kiddalee]'s Unlazy Poets. My apologies for being lazy about entering... hee.

This Venus Me

These shoulders broad, these arms, so great and strong
Are bars of steel and walls of heartless stone
I wear this mask to hide my endless shame
And weep behind the lie that is my name

For all my life I've seen through eyes askew
Conceived within a diff'rent person's view
Perspective stains my eyes and breaks my heart
My form, my face, my shell, my chains, my hell

To fight? To build? To rage? To be a man?
Or care, and love, and feel, be who I am?
Choose one, not both, to me no choice at all
This shell cannot be me, not after all.

I wish, I wish, that change lay in my grasp
To change myself, and smile.
                             It cannot be.
For who am I to try to understand?
What made this simple girl
                             this simple man?

I see you cringe and turn your face away
I know your heart, my friend.
                             "He is a freak."
For who am I to doubt the will of God?
That made this Venus Mars.
                             This Venus me?

But who are you to know the will of God
that made this Venus Mars.
                             This Venus me?

2006-11-12 Sabrina Catherine: wow, that is amazing! if there is a public poll, I am SO voting for your's ^^

2006-11-12 Mister Saint: Awwr... thanksha! *headbangs!*

2006-11-12 Sabrina Catherine: ^^ no problem.

2006-11-17 Nell: You really are a Saint, aren't you? Blessing us with your loverly words...

2006-11-17 Mister Saint: o.o *blush*

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