2011-10-08 Infinity Hypothosis: This is a very personal poem. In this I am attempting to try to come to terms with loss.[Infinity Hypothosis]: 827.Mother Gaia
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You were the live-giver
constant present and true
From the universal womb
You gave house, bed, a room
Infinately stretching
Overlapping from memories
Spun like fine silk
The Mother's milk
Nurtured me strong,
to live, to breathe, to bloom
To believe in you always
To live happy and long
Seamless with ends that tie
and lasso around the heart
Pull tighter and tighter
You were Earth, Mother Gaia
From which your stars revolved
Daughter Sun, and Daughter Star
You never quite grasped how wonderful you were
I knew you throughout those times of woe
Of laughters and sheer joy
You leave behind, many sad little planets, and stars
But some are stronger than others
Sisters and brothers
Of Mother Gaia
Mother eternity
Eternal and true
Your love will always shroud me
Wherever I go
Mother Eternite
You may have left me in body
But here you will stay
Forever wrapped, safe and warm
With my heart, your smile,
Your love, your warmth.
And that all important hug.