Page name: UCC A weird Predicament [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-06-08 22:56:47
Last author: Font
Owner: Font
# of watchers: 2
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UCC A weird Predicament


Stage Details

Well your unusual creature survived the Poseidon One adventure, in some cases your creature was the only survivor. But now something unusual is about to happen!

Right before the eyes of your creature a swirling vortex begins to appear. Purples, blacks and greys swirl around together, spikes of purple coloured lightning spark inside. What could this be? Your creature is fixated and cannot move! The vortex is getting closer!

Zap! A jolt of lightning hits your creature and sucks it into the vortex. Round and around it twists, flying along the temporal tunnel. Where will it lead?

What a weird predicament, your creature has been sucked into a temporal vortex! The doors are open here, now is your chance to blossom as you write what happens next!

Decide what will happen next and write!
Have Fun, and Enjoy Stage 3


Maybe your creature is brought back to the time of the dinosaurs, and is gobbled up!
Maybe the world is overrun by unusual creatures, with your creature as the supreme, and humans are pets!
You can carry on from where you left off in Stage 2!


remember to add you submission at: UCC Submissions


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Contest hosted by: [Font]

Credit given to: [Sunrose]

For giving my dividers an invisible Background ;)

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2006-06-08 [RiddleRose]: sweeeeeeeet. it's a vortex... XD

2006-06-24 [Font]: Closing date is the 31st July

2006-07-14 [Font]: Just a reminder that there are 17 days left in this stage.

2006-09-06 [RiddleRose]: bumpity bump bump...

2007-12-16 [RiddleRose]: -putters around hopefully-

2007-12-16 [Font]: wow over a year now :P

2007-12-19 [RiddleRose]: i know... pretty bad, eh?

2007-12-19 [Font]: very bad :S

2007-12-30 [RiddleRose]: alas...

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