[Kiddalee]'s blog

384  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-11-19
Written: (6867 days ago)

At this time, I am the only online member.

379  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-11-16
Written: (6870 days ago)

She's giving me another chance to make up the assignment. :::phew::: And I know what to do now, and I want to do it. So there.
Good night.
On a side note, I'm really enjoying my project on South African Theatre during apartheid. It captivated me and made me want to miss sleep... and I even forgot to answer a web buddy.
By the way, I have a friendate tomorrow after school. Not with the aforementioned web buddy, but a buddy nonetheless.

375  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-11-15
Written: (6872 days ago)

Based on what my teacher said, I'm probably not going to be able to make up whatever I've lost in Writer's Craft. Once I talk to the English department head, I'll decide whether to drop the course. I'll probably have to. For some reason, the school system here doesn't use "extra-credit" or "makeup" projects.

374  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-11-14
Written: (6873 days ago)

Here's my story:
I'm in a high school Writer's Craft class, in which we must all work on the teacher's assignments, at the pace of the teacher. I know that by my attitude I should be able to become proficient, but it still isn't easy.
Tomorrow, I will have to take a zero on a story that I simply didn't work on. I'm not nervous yet, and I don't plan on becoming depressed over it. It's just too bad that my final mark will probably be down to the seventies once I've completed the course. And unless I pick up yet another course next semester to raise my average, that will be stuck in the high seventies. And of course, my estimates are always generous because I'm not very good at math.
I need at least an eighty to get an entrance scholarship for Nipissing.
Maybe I should try getting nineties next semester. I only have two courses then. But I don't think that having more time, even if I use it well, will make me a nineties student. So I could take a third and get all eighties... if I don't make a mistake like this again.
For fear of being attacked, I haven't yet mentioned the reasons why I haven't been doing my homework.
Well, I still live at home, and my family can be very distracting as they are not pleasant people. Also, when I decide to have dinner with them, it's often so unhealthy that it pays my body and abilities little.
I also have seasonal affective disorder, and though I handle it better every year, it's still making me need extra sleep each night. It's threatening to depress me, but I haven't let it get there yet.
When I'm on my period, I need even more sleep. Fortunately, I'm taking evening primrose oil, and so my period is no longer so painful as to make me miss school, but I still need extra sleep.
I do admit I'm a procrastinator, a poor worker, not ambitious, fatalistic, and all in all, lazy. But this is probably because I was raised poorly, and I am consciously working to disown these behaviors.

 The logged in version 

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