My Story and I Thread: [5804]

Post nr: 5804
Thread: [5804]
Author: Tyr Zalo Hawk (New work, also engaged; who knew?) Posted: (5455 days ago)
Subject: Recreational Music

Now, before I begin, I'd just like to say that I love music. I really do. It's probably my second or third favorite thing in the entire world. So, out of this love for music, I was just wondering...

Anyone else not understand what the heck is up with kids these days? Listening to their loud, screaming music or (c)rap and trying to convince us, the older, wiser folks that it counts as pleasing to the eardrums?

I don't know what's worse, the fact that my younger brother and best friend listen to it... or that they make me listen to it too.

What say we return to the good old days...? You know, when people could sing.

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