
Post nr: 5822
Author: Zadius (the movement) Posted: (5746 days ago)
Subject: YAWN (Texts: 2 )

I seriously need some sleep... sod it dig out the caffeine, nicotine and woodsaws instead ^_^


Post nr: 4887
Author: dmeredith Posted: (6796 days ago)
Subject: FYI: Gedo Senki (ゲド戦記) (Texts: 3 )

New Ghibli movie released!

I'm quite happy about it actually. After years of begging on his part Hayao Miyazaki finally obtained the rights to the Earth Sea Quartet. The first book "A Wizard of Earth Sea" and titled "Gedo Senki" in Japanese was released at the end of July! The previews are amazing and are probably available online if you do an internet search, but seriuosly it looks GREAT. I haven't seen it yet but it's next on my "to see" list.


Post nr: 4808
Author: Kiddalee (I'm here. Bwahahaha!) Posted: (6811 days ago)
Subject: ANGST (Texts: 1 )

No, really. ***whines*


Post nr: 4716
Author: Kiddalee (I'm here. Bwahahaha!) Posted: (6834 days ago)
Subject: We've Been Over This Before (Texts: 2 )

  I don't wanna write my essay! But not to would be extremely rude to my teacher. She's been nagging me to finish my homework all semester, and to give it up after all that would be such a waste. I don't need to pass her course to get into Uni is all. *whine-shirks*


Post nr: 4687
Author: Kiddalee (I'm here. Bwahahaha!) Posted: (6842 days ago)
Subject: *cranks* (Texts: 8 )

I am cranky.

I am cranky!



Post nr: 4473
Author: Kiddalee (I'm here. Bwahahaha!) Posted: (6861 days ago)
Subject: Plain, Natural Yoghurt (Texts: 1 )

  I'm not used to eating this stuff. It's a little sour, so I tried adding flavour to it. I think I added about 100 mL of a juice box to a few spoonfuls of it, only to find that it wasn't sweet enough. Only then did I add the honey. I should have added that first. So I had some very bad pink liquidy stuff containing yoghurt. Well, the taste wasn't so bad, but the texture sucked.
  I'll get lots of practise with this stuff, since it has no preservatives and needs to be eaten...


Post nr: 4282
Author: Kiddalee (I'm here. Bwahahaha!) Posted: (6878 days ago)
Subject: Metal Lampshade (Texts: 1 )

  I have a lamp on which the metal shade is wide, but not long (as in vertically). It is rather attractively designed. However, when I screw on the lamp shade so that the top of the screw holding it is adequately covered by the peice on top, it doesn't go low enough to cover the lightbulb, which allows it to be too bright and annoying, not to mention ruining the look of the lamp. If I move the shade down, the piece on top isn't long enough to cover the screw that is above it. So I must either have an ugly lamp or one that is too bright. Man, that's annoying.


Post nr: 3855
Author: Kachi Posted: (6926 days ago)
Subject: Capers (Texts: 11 )

Now, who thinks of crime, and who thinks of some kinda vegetable, when you read that word?

ca·per2  Pronunciation Key (kāpər)

  1. A usually spiny Mediterranean shrub (Capparis spinosa) having white to pale lilac flowers and dehiscent fruits with reddish pulp.
  2. A pickled flower bud of this plant, used as a pungent condiment in sauces, relishes, and various other dishes.

Anyone else know any completely pointless words that also mean more common ones?

(And yep, incidentally, I do have CharMap. :3 )


Post nr: 3641
Author: Kiddalee (I'm here. Bwahahaha!) Posted: (6957 days ago)
Subject: WAH! (Texts: 3 )

I don't wanna write my essay!


Post nr: 3214
Author: Kiddalee (I'm here. Bwahahaha!) Posted: (6986 days ago)
Subject: Aauugh! (Texts: 1 )

I wrote a review on an anthology only to have it completely lost when I hit one of my browser's hotkeys by accident! Aauugh! Aauugh! Aauugh! Aauugh! Aauugh!
There. I feel better now. Just a little.
*relevant pluggeth* 225.Poetry.Set Format.BLARG!


Post nr: 3047
Author: Kiddalee (I'm here. Bwahahaha!) Posted: (6991 days ago)
Subject: Guide To Characters Not On Your Keyboard (Texts: 1 )

Who all has one of these? It's called Character Map or Charmap. It is a grid with all the different characters you can type on Windows (I don't know if there's an alternative in other OSs, though I assume there is). If you click on one of the characters in the grid, it tells you in the lower-right corner how to type the character. Usually have Num Lock on, hold Alt, and key in numbers on the number pad.
So, does anyone not have one of these?


Post nr: 2914
Author: Kiddalee (I'm here. Bwahahaha!) Posted: (7008 days ago)
Subject: A 10-Year-Old's Story (Texts: 1 )

You might want to have a look at 225.Short Stories.The Acorn And The Alien, just for laughs. Well, I think it's funny...


Post nr: 2808
Author: Kiddalee (I'm here. Bwahahaha!) Posted: (7050 days ago)
Subject: *sad and comatose forum* (Texts: 5 )

  These forums are sad and comatose. Now, I don't mind a forum that isn't constantly receiving posts (since there's no way I can keep up with them all on dial up), but it's really nice to be able to come into a forum and be entertained with... maybe a post every ten minutes? Every hour, even?  I guess I need to come up with something controversial that actually has something to do with writing so that someone will answer it. Yep, that's what I've gotta do... when I get around to it.


Post nr: 2175
Author: PamelaT Posted: (7174 days ago)
Subject: Is this considered junk? (Texts: 1 )

Hello all. I have started a contest based one of my scripts...please check it out at

The Lord of Sands Contest

Everyone is welcome to participate!!


Post nr: 1588
Author: ally (New name: Ally) Posted: (7211 days ago)
Subject: Yay (Texts: 38 )

Yay there's a junk-forum! ... hum, just wanted to say something.. since the other 6 online members are not doing it....


Post nr: 1450
Author: Hedda Posted: (7218 days ago)
Subject: Quiet? (Texts: 4 )

How come a forum for writers has so few postings?


Post nr: 970
Author: Hedda Posted: (7241 days ago)
Subject: FYI... (Texts: 6 )

Most of the junk here is for some reason written in the crew junk forum. That's rude by the crew!


Post nr: 128
Author: Erestor (New name: -deleted-) Posted: (7281 days ago)
Subject: Hello (Texts: 6 )

Just trying to get things started ...

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